Assorted Stuff

   C and I took our desktop computer to a repair shop. It's been a good computer, but it had run out of memory and needed a system upgrade. I'm not looking forward to the upgrade as I've worked with the new system on an office computer. To say that I hate the new system vastly understates my negative feelings about it. The thing I dislike most about it is the menu which is located on blocks that keep shifting round. What was wrong with the stable list of programs on my computer? All I had to do is look at the list and find what I wanted and click on it. With the new system I'll have to click on those manic little blocks and hope that I've clicked on the correct thing.
   Since I usually use the desktop to write and job hunt, I now have to use an old laptop. I'm using the one that was my former work computer. (Yes, I had to use my personal laptop for work.) Nothing wrong with that, I like it. There's just one problem. Most of what I need is password protected and neither C or I remember the password.
  When we got home,C asked me to get the laptop. He felt certain that he could figure out the password. I brought it and started it up. We both stared at it for a minute. Then C typed in a potential password. It failed and a cryptic hint came up. It was funny because we had suggested the hint in the first place. C tried again. No luck. Then I suggested a slight change. C typed it in and it worked! Now I have full access to anything and will be able to to updates. We took the mouse from the desktop and plugged it into the laptop. Much easier to use.
  While we were out, C was commenting on how cold it was outside. C and I have serious disagreements as to what constitutes cold. C puts an extra layer or two on if it starts to hover around 30 Fahrenheit. I won't put on an extra layer or a heavy coat until it is at least zero. C thinks I'm nuts and insists that my failure to dress properly will result in me catching a cold. (Yet another point of disagreement.)
  I'm puzzled as to why everyone gets so worked up over the fact that it's getting colder. This is Minnesota. It gets cold here in the late fall and winter. It's not a surprise. It happens every year.
The surprise should be when it doesn't happen.
   In other good news, C and I are no longer sharing a bathroom. We finally found a replacement for our broken toilet. C found a friend who was willing to install the new one. C removed the old one. I made some stew for our friend to eat before he got to work. It didn't take long, less than an hour. It looks good and works well.
   I picked up a book about Herbert Hoover from the library. When I watched CBS Sunday Morning a couple weeks ago they did a story about him. He's considered to be a bad president and the one who caused the Great Depression to occur. However the story asserted that he was being judged unfairly and that he had actually accomplished a lot of good both before and after his presidency. For example, he and his wife were the first to translate a mining textbook into English. I'm looking forward to reading it and learning more about our 31st president.
   That's it for this week. Have a good weekend.


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