Stick To One Personality

   I have discovered another pet peeve. (Like I need more of those.) The newest addition to my collection is people that seem that can't stick to one personality.
   A few months ago, some drama in the office caused one of my coworkers to abruptly quit. She had been quarreling with another coworker ever since the second person had been hired. They put on a good act, but there were always litle spits and spats between them. The clinic owner and manager had both tried various things to get these two to work together in peace. Nothing seemed to work for more than a few days.
  Then the big blow up occurred. One of them walked out and Lynn was left. Since we were in the final stages of getting things done before could start taking patients, it was crunch time. Lynn,Sari (another coworker) and I huddled together. The three of us divided the tasks to be done between us. We made a good working group and I sent out and email telling Lynn and Sari so. That lasted about two days.
  Then Lynn stopped talking to me. She stopped answering my emails ( not that I sent many). When I did hear from her the tone of them was snippy and unprofessional. She refused to look and me and would stomp by me in the halls.
  I had no idea why.
  This is not new to me. I've been in the situation before. I don't like it, but I can handle it. I stayed out of her space. Worked around her as much as I could. I found alternate sources for information that I should have been able to get from her. In the meantime I found out that she was complaining about me to our boss and at one point suggested that he allow her to do a cost analysis on me to see if I was worth continuing to employ. I tried very hard not to mind. Since the boss himself had not expressed dissatisfaction, none of this stuff matters.
   It wasn't easy. To me, I now had a hostile work environment. This is something I try to avoid. It's not only bad for employees, it's bad for our patients. Patients can tell when two people don't get along with each other. I kept my head down and kept working. Things tend to resolve themselves sooner or later.
   This last week we had a training. Lynn was going to lead part of it. I was not looking forward to it. The last thing I wanted was for her to display her dislike of me before others. My stomach churned as I moved a chair into the meeting space. I had the handout that Lynn had prepared, a notebook and a pen. I took a deep breath.
   Lynn began the training, She zipped through it quickly , like I expected and then asked if we had questions. I raised my hand. She actually looked, not glared, at me. I asked my question. She answered it. Nicely. In fact I wasn't feeling the cloud of hostility around her I usually sensed. I relaxed a bit. The training went well. After it was over I thanked her via email for the effort she put into it as well as all the resources she'd gathered for our use.
  The day after she answered my emails. She said please and thank you. She was being nice to me. This came as a distinct shock.
   I'm very wary of this though. She was nice to me before and then the switch flipped. Despite the fact that things are better I now find myself wondering when she is going to go back to being hostile and angry.
  Hence the addition to the pet peeve collection. Maybe it will stay as it is now and if so I will be grateful. I guess if things switch I'll deal with it as I have before. I'll just have to wait and see.....


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