Perhaps It's Time to Stop

   It's official. A few weeks ago when I had my hair done, I asked my amazing stylist if my hair was now all white. She confirmed that it is. I now have to face the question that I've been putting off for several years. Is it time to stop colouring it?
   I'm very torn on this subject. I like the colour of my hair. I'm finally at a point in my life where I can look into the mirror and sometimes be pleased with what I see. (This is a big change from not being able to look in the mirror because what  see there literally makes me feel sick.) I enjoy going to the salon. It's one of the few indulgences I have now.
   On the other hand, it's not cheap. Thanks to my long list of strange allergies, I'm allergic to most hair dyes. That means there is only one salon where I can get my hair coloured without wanting to scratch the skin off my scalp. Their dyes are plant based and I'm not allergic to them. The money I spend having my hair coloured when our budget is tight seems extremely selfish. Even worse it also seems very vain.
  Another reason why I'm scared to stop colouring it is because I just got my driver's license renewed. On it it says my hair is brown. The picture shows me with dark hair. I got one of those fancy driver's licenses so that I can use it as ID when we fly to South Carolina. If I stop colouring my hair then I won't look like my driver's license. Will that be a problem? I don't know.
   What happens if I don't like how I look with white hair? My eyebrows are still dark, will that look weird? I don't know. Some people have said that I'd look nice with white hair, but I'm not sure. What if it starts looking yellow?
   If I decide to stop these will be that inevitable awkward phase where I have to let the dye grow out. It's not going to look nice especially as it becomes white on top and dark on the bottom. I wonder what my patients will think. They might think it's some strange new hair trend. I'm not sure how that is going to work. After all pharmacy is a very conservative profession.
  C has told me that if I want to continue to colour it it is fine with him. He's so generous.
   Maybe the best thing to do is talk to the stylist. Perhaps there is some way we could ease into this. Or maybe I should just do what I've wanted to do and colour all my hair Lucille Ball red.
  We'll have to see.


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