The Beginning of the End


     Those of you that read this on a regular basis know that I've been working on a program called Youm g Women's Personal Progress. It is a program developed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to teach young women about their faith and other important values in spiritual and temporal life.
    Older, or should I say more experienced women, like me can also do this program. When I started this in March of 2018, I felt like I was in a spiritual rut. I needed to do something different. I remembered Personal Progress and thought I'd give it a try.
    Now I am almost at the end of it. I'm working on the last value which is virtue. Virtue according to the dictionary I pulled up in Google, means,"behaviour showing high moral standards" similar words are goodness, integrity,honor and propriety. It's fitting that that value is at the end of the book. It's the one that ties all the others, faith,divine nature,individual worth,knowledge,choice and accountability,good works, and integrity together.
   I've actually enjoyed working on this program. I especially like how it is laid out. For each value there are six experiences which teach about various things about the value being studied. Three of the experiences are assigned and the other three can be chosen or even designed by the woman doing the program to better suit her needs. At the end of each group of experiences there is a project that must take at least ten hours to complete. The purpose of the project is to put the value into practice. In my case my project for several of the values was to write a paper on the value. (As you can tell I don't like to write.)
   Now that I'm coming to the beginning of the end, I realise that it is also the end of the beginning. I don't feel like I'm quite the same person, at least on the inside. I feel like I have a better handle on my faith and that I have developed the seedling of a few qualities that might be helpful in the future. It's almost like a little internal self improvement course.
   It feels like I was riding a bike with training wheels.Now I'm looking forward to taking those training wheels off and seeing where this will take me. It  should be interesting.


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