Birthday Lunch

   Today is my birthday and time once again for the annual Birthday Lunch. Every year I take at least one friend out to a nice lunch. Today I'm being a little extravagant. I'm taking several people and going to a rather expensive restaurant. It's more than a little out of budget, but we have savings and this is important. It's my 50th birthday and a milestone.
   I've been asked several times over the year why I take people out to lunch. Isn't it tradition to be taken out to lunch? It's my birthday so why should I pay? I'd like to answer that today.
   Part of the reason why I do it is because I was taught that it is impolite to invite someone to a meal in a restaurant and ask them to pay unless it is understood that everyone pays for themselves. It's kind of like inviting someone over for dinner at your home, but expecting them to bring their own food.
   The main reason why I do it is out of gratitude. I've been given another year of life, I have friends and money enough to treat them to a nice lunch. Perhaps this sounds  overly sentimental and maybe some will see it as contrived, but I mean it.
   I do not take lightly the gift of life and of time. I know personally several people who did not get the chance to experience all the things that the years have given me. Two of them were mothers of younger children who will never see how their children have grown and will not have the opportunity to know them as adults. I know of one young woman, engaged, who will never get to know the joy of a life shared with someone you love. As someone who has struggled with suicidal thoughts for much of my life, I'm grateful for every time I win the battle to stay alive. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of growing older. It is a reason to be glad.
   I have friends. Last summer I spent time going through large boxes of letters that have moved with me for many years. I was amazed at the amount of correspondence I had from friends. I'm embarrassed to say that I don't remember some of them. It is clear from the letters I read that at one time they were important to me. I know there are people out there who are desperately lonely. There were times in my life when I was one of them. I know what it feels like to feel isolated and alone. I do not take lightly the gift of friendship. I'm grateful for all my friends near and far, past and present.
   I'm grateful that we have enough, even though money is tight and we have to be careful, we have enough. Driving to and from work I see so many people begging on corners of streets and exits on highways, some of them with families. I'm troubled by this. I don't understand why there are some people who have more money than they can ever need or use while some have nothing. I'm grateful we do not have the debt that so many have these days. I have the ability to take friends out to lunch, for that I am grateful.
   These are the reasons why I take friends out to lunch on my birthday.


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