
   It's the end of April and that means one thing. C and I are making our yearly pilgrimage to the lovely state of South Carolina. We have been looking forward to this trip for several months. For awhile we weren't sure if we would be able to make the trip. Fortunately, we could. I thought it a bit strange that I would be looking forward to a vacation after being unemployed for a month, but I was. I wasn't sure why.
   After thinking about it, it came to me. It's been a tough couple of months. First the health challenges, then the surgery, then the recovery, then the store closed then I was job hunting for the second time in less than two years and finally another job. That's a lot of stuff  in less than six months. We needed a little time to get away and regroup.  South Carolina is perfect for that.
   I was looking forward to the is trip for another reason. Once the anemia was treated and resolved, I've literally felt like a new woman. I didn't realize just how sick and run down I was the past two years. I was looking forward to not getting out of breath, not feeling sluggish and having energy to do things.
   Yesterday we went to Charleston. The first thing I noticed that morning was the skirt I had chosen to wear fit well. It wasn't tight about the hips anymore. The yoga and exercise I'm doing must have kept off the weight I lost after the surgery. This was one of the rare times where I felt and looked good. I was ready to go. I was looking forward to the day.
  We got to Charleston in time for brunch. We went to the restaurant we usually go to and found out the my favourite item on the menu had been discontinued. Bummer. I looked at the menu to find something else. It wasn't looking good. Most of the menu items had ingredients that I can't or won't eat. C saw huevos rancheros at the top of the page. It wasn't what I wanted, but it would do.
   After brunch, we got tickets for a carriage ride and then walked to the Market. I felt good. There was a spring in my step. My skirt was perfect for the temperature that day. We wandered a little in the Market and then went to the place where our carriage ride starts. We had two mules pulling our carriage. We went to the place where our route would be assigned. Some of the zones had been closed because of sinkholes in the city. There were lots of other places to go. We wound up touring a part with lots of restored houses. The guide told us that many of these homes had been sold to owners at very low prices on the condition that the owners would restore them to their original appearance. Once that is done the owners are given a plaque to display on the outside of the house. This program saved many houses and has helped Charleston to become the beautiful place that it is.
  After the carriage ride we walked. And walked and walked. I wasn't tired. I didn't feel sluggish. I could have walked longer, except it was time for dinner.
   We had fish at Hyman's. I ate all of the boiled peanuts on the table. We were served cole slaw and some grits with a fried green tomato on it. Both good. Then came the fish. Although it isn't healthy to eat fried fish, we are in the south so we ate it fried. I had a side of fried okra. When in Rome..... C had a baked potato. C was anxious for hush puppies, a side that is only served in the south. They finally arrived fresh from the fryer. Yum.
   After dinner we bought some honey. Honey in the south has a different flavor than in the north because the flowers are different. We also went to a park with two different fountains. I waded in one of the fountains. The cool water felt good on my feet. We took more pictures. It was starting to get dark so we headed back north to Myrtle Beach where we are staying.
   I didn't fall asleep in the car like I usually do. In fact I wasn't tired and dragged out at all. C mentioned that he had trouble keeping up with me.
   A good beginning to a fun trip.....


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