April Snow

   We were hoping that this would be the year it wouldn't happen, but it did. It snowed in April. It not only snowed, there was an actual winter storm. We were supposed to get a foot of snow and everything was supposed to be shut down. People headed to grocery stores for supplies. We are pros when it comes to winter storm survival.
   I went to the library and got three books to read. I had just discovered my library card and decided that I should use it. It seems silly that I live less than a block away from the library and I haven't been there in years.
   We were stocked with plenty of food and tea. We were prepared to wait out the storm. The Small Town Toastmasters canceled the morning meeting due to the weather. Let the snow come. We were ready.
   I was doing my morning workout when the phone rang. No one calls me at 7A.M. unless it is an emergency so I picked it up. It was the scheduler from work. School was cancelled in Maple Grove and the pharmacist that was scheduled to work couldn't come in. Would I be able to work? I wavered a little bit. Maple Grove was almost an hour away on a good day and this was not a good day. Our driveway needed to be blown out before I'd be able to leave. On the other hand the pharmacy didn't open until 10 so I had time. I said yes.
  Then I went to wake up C. He wasn't happy, but he understood the situation. He got dressed and went to blow out the driveway. I started to get ready. I ate breakfast, got cleaned up and made a couple meals to take as I'd be working all day.
   C decided that my car would not make it over the potential snow that I'd have to drive through. He was going to drive me there and then come back and pick me up at closing.
   We started out. The snow was blowing and visibility was an issue. Fortunately it wasn't a white out. I looked at road reports as we drove. There were lots of spinouts and a couple crashes. C drove slowly and carefully. The scheduler said that she would call the store to tell them I might be late. Her concern was that I got there in one piece. Several semi trucks passed us driving as if the roads were clear. C grouched at them a bit as we drove. The roads were better as we got further north, the worst part was the drifts that were forming from the wind. A few miles before we reached our destination we found ourselves behind three plow trucks. We were grateful. The plows would clear the small drifts and we wouldn't have to worry.
   We got there right at the time the pharmacy was supposed to open. I got my drawer and punched in.
    As expected it was a quiet day. That was fine by me. since I'm still new to the system the slow pace was a blessing. There was enough work so that I always had something to do.
    I had everything caught up with two hours to go. I thought this might happen so I brought some continuing education to work on.
   The store was very quiet when it was time for me to close. There were no customers at all. I ran the last reports and closed the gate. I closed the register, gathered my belongings and left the pharmacy.
   C was waiting just outside the door. The roads were wet and slushy so the drive home was not bad. We got home in a bit less than one hour.
   It was not how I'd planned to spend the day, but I was glad for the extra work. I got more time to get comfortable with the system which is always a good thing. I have a good handle on the workflow which will help mew to be more confident when I go into my next store. It was a good day after all.


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