Hopeful and Happy

   Today is one of those days that gladdens the hearts of those who live in what my in-laws call "The Yankee Deep Freeze". The sun is out. The snow is mostly melted. The temperature is around 30 degrees above zero. Life is good.
   I think this is something we need to do now and again. We need to look around and find things that are good and be happy about them.
   I'm guessing there are a few of you out there who are thinking that this is attitude is silly, pollyannaish, and disgustingly optimistic. You might be right. There is a lot of darkness and ugliness out there. There's hatred, fear, anger and the Mueller report. You are surrounded by snowflakes, leftists, liberals, heretics, neoNazis, foreigners, communists, socialists, bigots, racists, misogynists and people with strange coloured hair and I'm telling you to be happy. I must be smoking something.
  Well, I'm not. (smoking, that is) I have just come off a period of time that had some highs and lows. In less than two years I left a job that was not as good as I thought it was, found my dream job, nearly bled to death, had surgery, recovered, had my dream job go away, had to file for unemployment, failed to get a second interview possibly because of my age and finally got a new job at a company that I really like.
  The hard times were really hard. I thought my corporate job was the last job I'd have. The company was secure. I was doing a good job. My customers and coworkers mostly liked me. It turned out not to be secure and was not a good place for me to be. Then I had to have surgery. I had to place my life in the hands of people I didn't know. That was terrifying. Would I heal all right? Would I have complications? Yes, there people are seasoned professionals in their fields,but could I trust them? Then my pharacy was closed. My dream job was gone. The best working environment I'd ever had was no more. Would I have to work at another big chain being a drone in a large hive? Would I ever have a chance to make a difference, to feel good about my employer? Those were tough, dark and sad times.
   One thing I have learned from this. The sun does come out. The clouds do clear. Sunday does come. It is possible to be happy again. I got the job at the independent which led to new friends and allowed me to rebuild my confidence. My health is much better. My dream of running a 5K this summer is no longer a dream, but a goal that I can achieve. I have a new job at a company that values its employees and has good working conditions.
   What got me through was my belief that what goes down must come up. Nothing stays bad forever. I was (and still am) blessed to have the support of C and a few good friends. My faith also played a large role. My belief that my Heavenly Father has a plan.  Past experience has taught me that one shut door does lead to another one that is open.
   Which leads me to where I am right now. At my computer looking at the sun shining on the grass that will become green, the trees that will soon have leaves and the lilac that will flower and bloom later. The amaryllis my dad gave me is growing and has a large bud which will turn into a beautiful flower. How could I not be hopeful and happy?


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