Hard to Find Items

   Several months ago I went shopping for toothpaste. Toothpaste isn't something I can just buy when I run out.  Toothpaste and I don't get along with each other, so I have to be a bit picky about what I get. Mint toothpaste gives me horrible mouth sores. I've tried all kinds including those meant for sensitive teeth. Eventually the sores show up and eating and brushing become difficult. I've even tried mild mint and the same thing happens. I also have a low tolerance for slimy textures. I inherited that from my mother. Toothpaste shopping becomes an adventure.
   I was determined. I was going to find a non mint toothpaste that wasn't slimy. I wanted to find something that I could buy easily and not have to go across town to a food coop or other special store.
  C and I went to Target. I went to the toothpaste aisle. I looked at every single one. All mint. The only non mint one was Close-Up. My search would have ended there except that I've used Close-Up before and it's slimy. I looked again. Nothing but mint.
  This is ridiculous, I thought. I can't be the only person in the country who has a sensitivity to mint. There has got to be a non mint toothpaste around here somewhere. C suggested that I look where the children's toothpaste is. I found one that was "silly strawberry". It was a small tube and cost more than a large tube of normal toothpaste. I like the taste of real strawberries, but didn't think I'd like strawberry flavored toothpaste. Plus, I wasn't about to pay what they were asking for that small tube. I kept looking. There was bubblegum. I finally found a twin pack of bubble fruit flavored toothpaste. I was relieved. It was a good price and I can make a princess carriage out of the box. (I probably won't though.)
   For some reason things that I need tend to be hard to find. For awhile there Scamp preferred the 'Supper Supreme' flavor of wet cat food. If I found one full case I was happy. A bonus day was two cases. Now that he prefers 'Country Dinner', I can't find that flavor in full cases. Finding soft cat treats are an adventure sometimes too. I can find all kinds of dry treats, but very few soft ones.
   I'm not even going to get into the number of times I find an item that I like and it gets discontinued. Suffice it to say that I tend to stock up on certain things that I like just in case it gets discontinued. I also make these items last as long as possible.
   Which makes me wonder if I should stock up on toothpaste. Then I could make a whole chain of cardboard princess carriages.....


  1. I use 'Toms fluoride free' since fluoride is a known cancer causing product. I did not detect a mint flavor but not sure if some is not in it. Some people use baking soda. When I was a kid my mom had 'tooth powder' which we put on our wetted brushes. I don't think they sell it anymore though.


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