No Snow

   C and I are having a disagreement about the weather we are having right now. He loves it. It is above 30 sunny and there is no snow on the ground. I do not love it. I don't like it. Not one bit. It's too warm for this time of year and worst of all there is no snow.
   I happen to like snow. Partly because it's pretty. There's nothing like looking at fresh snow in an even blanket on the ground. When it's cold the snow sparkles. It makes the bare branches of trees look lovely. It hides all the dead grass, dead flowers and unraked leaves. It just gives the world a bright fresh look,like clean sheets on a bed.
   We need the snow. It provides moisture that is needed for crops when they are sown in the spring. It provides many people with exercise and entertainment. There are people who depend on the snow for their livelihood. When we don't have snow, resorts in the northern part of the state have no business and that's not good.
   To be honest I just flat out like winter. I've said that winter is God's gift to introverts. Those of us who aren't social can turn down invitations by saying that the weather is bad. It allows us to hibernate and recharge without offending anyone.
   I think my enjoyment of winter has to do with my Lutheran upbringing. Lutherans believe that suffering is needed in order to be able to enjoy things. There's nothing like two or three feet of snow, sub zero temperatures and a wind chill to make you appreciate the relative warmth of a Minnesota spring. A good blizzard or snowstorm can help you appreciate having a good house and a cup of hot chocolate.
   It's too warm out. One of the joys of winter is being able to snuggle into thick warm sweaters. It's too warm for those kinds of sweaters. It's also a good time to enjoy things like lasagna, chili and thick beef stews. The kind of hearty fare that tastes good on a cold winter day.
    I count on bad weather days to get things done. My first batch of continuing education is due at the end of the month. It's easier to sit inside and work on it when the weather is too bad to do anything outside. It's much harder when the sun is shining and it's warm enough to go for a walk.
   C says I just need to be patient. Bad weather will come. I hope it does, soon.


  1. I actually read this 3 weeks later. She got her wish!!! February has now become the snowiest February in Minnesota history!! I'd like to hear a blog on "be careful for you wish/hope for!


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