Looking Back and Looking Forward

   As many of you who have read this column know, New Year's Day is my favourite holiday. It's the first day of the clean slate that is the upcoming year. You don't have to worry about buying gifts or endless social gatherings. It is perfectly fine to celebrate the coming of the new year alone or with a few close friends. I can wish anyone I want a Happy New Year without fear of causing offense. It's not the commercial nightmare that Christmas has become.
  It seems that lately unexpected things seem to be happening to me. I'm getting good at dealing with the curve balls of life. I didn't expect anything to happen in 2018. I had survived a job change. I was dealing with working part time.  I started a Personal Progress plan. I starting volunteering at church twice a month. No major obstacles could be seen. I looked forward to having a rest after the tumult of 2017.
  It never seems to work that way for me. Just when I think I have smooth sailing or clear skies something happens. In my case a major hemorrhage on a Sunday in October sent me to the hospital for the first time ever. It turned out that I had a life threatening case of anemia. My hemoglobin was so low the the doctors treating me were amazed at the fact that I was conscious. It turns out that this anemia came on gradually and slowly enough that my body had time to adjust to not having enough blood. I had no idea. I thought I was just dehydrated and out of shape. I thought the hair loss was due to hormones and being tired due to not being able to sleep well at night.
  A few tests and one MRI later discovered the cause and a treatment plan was put into place. I am now on the mend and feeling a lot better. It's amazing how much better I feel now. I learned a few things during this experience. I learned that it's hard to remember to take medication twice a day. I learned that being a patient isn't as scary as I thought. I learned that I can withstand severe anxiety and panic attacks. I learned that I have a lot of people who are willing to help me when I ask for it. I feel like I will be a much better health care provider for having this experience.
   Now to look forward. This year is a special year for me. I will be 50 years old this year. I normally don't set goals, but there are a few things I want to do before I turn 50. I want to complete my Personal Progress program. Dealing with my health has slowed me down a little, but I do believe that I should be able to finish it before my birthday.
  I want to run a 5K before I turn 50. I was training to do that but then stopped. By the time I was able to train again I couldn't run very far or fast without getting out of breath. I thought I was hopelessly out of shape, but it turns out it was the worsening anemia. This spring I should be able to start training again. My goal is to finish in the middle of the pack and not be the last one in. The good thing about training to run a race is that it helps with another goal which is to get into better physical shape.
   I want to finish the unfinished knitting and needlepoint projects I have. My goal is to wear more of what I have made. It's silly to knit all these beautiful things and not wear them.
  I'd like to work on making better use of my time. Time management has always been a challenge for me. I want to practice my instruments on a more regular basis and get things done around the house that I always say I'm going to do.
  There are a few more things I'm sure should be on the list, but I think what I have is enough. I've always felt it's better to get a few things done and then move on then to make a huge list and feel overwhelmed.
   I'm looking forward to seeing what will unfold in 2019. Hopefully there will be no curve balls, but if there is at least I know I can handle them.


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