The Christmas Column

   Yesterday C called me while I was at work. He had bought all the things we needed food wise for the next few days. He told me that he had been unable to find a Christmas present for me. "It's all right," I said, "Don't worry about it." We ended the conversation and I went back to work.
   I had not got him anything either. In truth I didn't know what to give him. The fact of the matter was that Christmas had snuck up on us this year. The past couple months had been a bit challenging. For the first time in my life I was on the receiving end of health care. For the first time in his life, C was faced with having to take care of his wife. The stress of the situation had caused him to succumb to the worst cold he'd ever had. I'm on the mend now, but neither of us is in great shape.
  The question of Christmas presents stayed in the back of my head the rest of the day. Do I really want anything? The answer quite honestly was no. We had spent quite a bit of time earlier in the year getting rid of a lot of stuff. In fact there were still things I wanted to go through to see if we could get rid of even more things. I liked the feeling of being rid of things that we don't need. I like being able to see the storeroom floor. Why would I want to bring more stuff in?
  To be honest, there is nothing I want. I have all I need. I have a well built house and a good job that pays enough to feed us and pay the bills. I have a wonderful husband who loves me and who has worked hard to take care of me while I've been sick. My health is returning and according to my doctor, I'll feel better than I have been the last few years. I don't have cancer. What more could I possibly ask for?
  I had an idea. I told C that after New Year's, once the two of us are able,we should head into downtown Minneapolis and walk around. Maybe see something we've never seen before. Have a lunch date at a nice little restaurant. We could go to the capitol building in St. Paul and walk around there. Look at the artwork. See if the Rathskeller is open and have a hot chocolate or something. In other words, enjoy doing something together. Making some memories. Having some good times. Exploring. Kissing in public like newlyweds.
  This Christmas is one of gratitude for me. So many good things have happened and so many good people have come into our lives in the last 12 months. I don't need anything under my tree this year. I have enough and I am content.
Merry Christmas
C, Sophie Scamp and Colby


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