On A Good Team

   About a year and a half ago I nervously left my "safe" job in a corporate pharmacy. It was a nervous time for me. I wasn't sure where I could work or how we would manage. Less than a week later C took me to a nearby independent pharmacy he had found. He wanted me to meet Anne,the manager.
  I instantly liked her. She and I had a lot in common professionally even though I am old enough to be her mother. I liked the store. We interviewed each other and liked what we saw. I was hired, first as casual on call, then as part time.
  A little over a year ago we obtained the files of a pharmacy that was closing. Along with those files we got two technicians and a delivery driver. One of the techs is Marie. She is tough, smart, funny and can do nearly anything with our computer system. The other tech is Lynn. She is quiet, sometimes unsure of herself and very good with customers. Even though we barely knew each other we just all seemed to fit together for lack of better words. We each knew what needed to be done and pitched in to make it happen. We dealt with the transition fairly smoothly. (I should know, I've been through a couple file acquisitions.)
  As we've gotten to know each other better, we've become a little family. This past year Lynn's mother died. Anne made a meal which Marie delivered to her. The store sent flowers to the service and Lynn was told to take as much time off as she needed. We all gathered around her literally and figuratively to help her and just be there for her. When Vee, the delivery driver's mother died a few weeks ago the same things happened.
  We've supported each other through bad days. When the store was robbed a few months ago, we supported Anne and Marie who were working when the robbery occurred. We let them talk or vent or not talk as they needed. We were there for them.
   There are little things we do for each other. Last winter when there was bad weather, we would text each other so we all knew that everyone had made it home safely. Last night we were to get some snow and rain. This morning I texted Anne a local road report so she would know what to expect coming in to work. These are things we just do without really thinking about it.
  The past couple months I've been on the receiving end of that kind of care. My coworkers have been understanding through anxiety attacks, random crying jags and attempts at humour. They've sent me supportive texts and rejoiced with me when things started to get better. Now that I'm well on the road to recovery, they've been understanding when I can't move real fast and bringing things to me when I have to sit a rest for a bit.
   I'm on a good team and I'm grateful.


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