The Birthday Column
I thought I was going to have to cancel the Annual Birthday Lunch this year. None of my friends would be able to attend. Carol had tickets to see the musical Hamilton. Dana was going to be out of town. Ellen would be working, preparing for the new school year. I have other friends, but I either hadn't seen them in years or would most likely be unable to some. I felt sad. I can't remember when I didn't take someone to lunch on my birthday. Maybe it would just have to be C and I this year. A few days later I had an idea. I had recently met a young woman from church named Carolina. She and her husband had recently moved here. I'd spent a couple hours visiting with her in her home and liked her immensely. I should ask her. We could have lunch and then walk a little on Summit Ave so she could some of the new area she moved to. I knew she was out of town so I took a chance and sent her a text. She replied that she would be back fro...