The Flowers in the Garden

   The flowers in our garden are looking very nice this year. The only thing keeping the garden from being perfect is the weeds. For some reason no matter how well you pull the weeds they keep coming up. I don't understand it when you pull up the plant you completely remove it and nothing else should grow back, right?
  I'm not a very good gardener. I don't have a plan or a theme or a scheme or anything like that. I just buy what I like and stick them in the ground. The only thing I pay attention to is if the pants are sun-loving or shade-loving. These plants can't be too choosy about spoil type.
  There are some things that I get every year. I always get wave petunias, snapdragons, and marigolds. The marigolds get planted with the vegetables to keep pests away from them. Sometimes I will buy other plants too. I'm trying to buy more perennials ( or is it annuals, I get them mixed up.) so that the garden will be lower maintenance. I wish I could tell you the names of the things that I bought so far. I know that two of them are lilies, the kind that has one large stem with blossoms on them, not daylilies. There are some small yellow flowers and some small orange flowers. Not sure why I chose orange flowers, I don't like the color orange.
   There were some large purple spike flowers that were already in the garden when I moved in. There is also columbine. Lots and lots of columbine. Most years I have to thin it out because it spreads everywhere.
   For some reason though this jumbled mass of plant life that I've put together looks pretty good. I've added a few more flowers that come back every year. The colors of the new flowers are white. One of them grows low to the ground.
   I got a surprise this year. It is a lily plant that has sprung up at the opposite end of the garden from the two lilies I already have. It isn't a daylily. It's orange and has lots of cone-shaped orange flowers kind of like an Easter lily. I have no idea how it got into the garden. I know I didn't buy it and I didn't get it from someplace else. I'm stumped. Despite the fact that it's orange, I like it.
  The comeback plant of the year award goes to the climbing rose. This past winter was really hard. The cold weather extended into April. Once the snow cleared the rose was not looking good. We saw a few spots of green, but not many. To help it, we cut away as many dead branches as we could. We also cut off the maple tree that had somehow grown and intertwined with the rose. I have no idea how that tree got there or how it managed to grow so big before we noticed it.
   We saw more green stems that started to leaf out. This was an encouraging sign. Last week we saw more growth and we also saw some flowers. Some of the branches had buds on them. I was so happy. The rose had survived.
   I'm grateful that I have this small patch of earth to do something with. Once I get the weeds cleared out, it will be a delight to the eyes.....


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