Dilly Bar

   A customer dropped off a box of Dilly Bars at our store last week. She wanted to bring a treat for the staff. On Saturday, there were a few left. After I finished my shift, I helped myself to one of them.
  I should probably explain what a Dilly Bar is since there may be some who don't know or remember them. A Dilly Bar is an ice cream treat made by Dairy Queen. It is a round flat disk of ice cream a couple inches thick covered by a hard flavoured coating, usually chocolate, on a stick.
  Back when I was a kid, the man who directed the grade school church choir would buy each choir member a Dilly Bar on the last day of choir practice. Back then the coatings came in different flavours. I always asked for cherry. Another boy in the choir would always ask for butterscotch. Everyone else preferred chocolate.
  As I savored my Dilly Bar, I remembered how good they were. It's funny how as you get older you appreciate simple things more. I remembered the other ice cream treats that Dairy Queen had. There was the DQ  sandwich, ice cream between two chocolate cookie type wafers. There was my favourite, the Chipper sandwich. That was ice cream between two thin chocolate chip cookies. The exposed ice cream also had tiny chocolate chips on it. They don't make it anymore.
  There have been some changes to the Dilly Bar beside the chocolate only coating. They are smaller than I remember and are missing the trademark curl on top. I also think they are only sold in boxes rather than individually as they used to be.
  That's all right. Nothing stays the same anyway.
   Some things haven't changed. The taste is still the same. The coating still breaks into pieces and falls all over the place if you don't eat it fast enough. The stick has some of the coating on it that you can eat off after you finish the ice cream.


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