On This Day.....

   C introduced me to a feature on Facebook called "OnThis Day" It brings up Facebook posts that were made on that day in past years. I've started looking at it daily because I find it interesting.
  There is one post from a long time ago where I posted a quote from the TV show "MASH". The quote is, "You have a great many gifts, Doctor. It's a pity you can't number compassion in among them." I remember when I posted that. I was having a disagreement with two family members. They did not see this post as I had already unfriended and blocked them to prevent any more unkind exchanges and to prevent the chance that our private issues would become public. However, I had to say something and that quote was what I chose. I still like that quote a lot and believe it was appropriate to the situation. 
   Another past quote referenced a speech I gave and that it was a pretty good speech. Unfortunately, it was so long ago that I can't remember the speech. I wish I could. 
   Eight years ago I posted about practising a speech for a Toastmaster Tall Tales Contest. I do remember that speech. It was the last time I competed in a Toastmaster contest. I remember it partly because I won First Place in the area contest. The problem was, I didn't really win. There was only one other contestant and she didn't show up. I gave my speech anyway because, in order to advance, they had to make sure it was within the required time limit. At the end of the contest, I was awarded the first place trophy as if I had really won. I was so embarrassed. I didn't really deserve that trophy and I didn't want to accept it. There was no way I could decline it gracefully. I went on to the division contest where I placed third. At that point, I felt there was a bias in the judging and decided that I was not going to compete in Toastmaster's contests again.
   Two years ago a friend of mine posted a picture of a band called 'Hipbone'. We had gone to dance and listen to this band. They were really good and even more amazing all of them were in their 60s and 70s. The keyboard player may have been close to 80. It was so much fun to see guys that age playing and having fun. 
   Some of my posts dealt with picking brackets during March Madness. I know that my brackets tend to fall apart rather quickly. According to past posts, this is a trend that has been going on for a looonnnggg time.
   I find some of those past posts amusing. One thing I've done in the past is posted "conversations' between the cats and me. One of those posts from 2014 came up today. In it, Colby was trying to convince me that he did not need to be brushed. It's probably wrong for me to say this, but I was impressed. It was a good, funny post. I didn't think I was that creative.
  There was one post that showed up from three years ago that was very special. It still is. In honour of our 10th wedding anniversary and our Temple sealing that took place in January 2015, I purchased a brick that was placed in the courtyard in front of the Maze Garden at the Minnesota Arboretum. It has the year 2014 on it which for our wedding anniversary. There is also the phrase "Always Have, Always Will" on it. It's the title of a song by the country group Blackhawk, a special song for C and me. C took a picture of the brick and posted it on Facebook. Before he took the picture we placed our wedding rings on the brick. His ring was on the bottom and mine was on top of it. It was nice to see that picture.
  I'm looking forward to seeing what else will show up....


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