Beautiful Weather

    These last few days are the kind of days that make those of us in the northern regions happy. It's been warm out. Warm is a relative term in this part of the country. It's been in the 40s and may have even reached 50.
    The sun has been shining and the sky is blue. The snow has been melting and leaving miniature lakes in driveways, crosswalks and sidewalks. Rivers of water run down streets.
    You can see people. They aren't wearing scarves and hats. They aren't wearing heavy coats. There are a few souls going about in light jackets and a couple of truly hearty souls that are wearing shorts.
    People are walking outside a bit more. Those that tend to hibernate are coming out of their shells. Dogs seem happier when their humans take them for walks.
    Scamp and Colby are enjoying themselves as well. They do not go outside but enjoy looking out the windows of our home. There's more to see. When they aren't looking out the window they are laying on the cat trees, the chaise and the floor pillow soaking up the sunshine coming through the windows.
   People seem more pleasant in weather like this. I think it is because they don't have to go out in the cold to run errands and pick things up. They don't have to worry about cars starting. They don't have to worry about snow and ice covered streets.
   Daylight Savings time has not started yet so it's light out longer. It's about 5:30 and the sun is still up. It's nice to have more hours of daylight. It makes you feel hopeful. There's more time to get those to-do lists done.
    The only bad part about this time of year is the potholes. They crop up everywhere like dandelions in the summer. Most of them are small, but some are so large you wonder if you are going to break an axel running over them. I drive a small car and wonder if my car will someday disappear into one.
   Days like this are Mother Nature's present to us of the northern climes. It's our reward for being patient during the winter season that seems so long, dark and cold. When you live in a place where there is a lot of bad weather, it makes you grateful for the times when the weather is good.
   The weather is supposed to worsen in the next few days. We may even get a small snowstorm. That's all right. The end is in sight and it won't be too long before we'll be donning t-shirts, shorts and capris and complaining about the heat and humidity.


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