What We Need is a Good Laugh

   In the movie "Steel Magnolias" there is a scene toward the end of the movie where one of the women holds another woman so a third woman could hit her. This shocks everyone. The woman being held gets away and walks to a bench to sit down away from everyone. The woman who held her comes over to her and apologizes. She says, "Things were getting entirely too serious for a moment. We needed to laugh…"
  That's kind of what I feel like right now. It seems everywhere I look these are angry people, scared people and protests. There are people who mock the protesters and criticize  them for leaving their signs and other garbage behind.
  Things are not much better closer to home. There's some kind of virus going around. People either don't have their insurance cards or are upset at the changes that have been made to their plans. I can't seem to get caught up with all the work I have to do. C has just come down with a serious head cold.
  Right now I feel like I need a good laugh. I think we all need a good laugh. Not something to make us smile. Not something that causes a bit of a chuckle. I mean a full out, can't breathe, tears rolling down your face laugh.
  Does anyone know where I could find one of there? I'm looking for some non political, not at someone's expense, clean humor.
  I was hoping I could find something funny to write about after a long spell of serious column topics. I've asked Scamp who just gave met a blank took. I asked Colby who just also had no thoughts to share.
  I tired to remember if I've done anything funny that I could write about. I could only come up with two things. Many years ago when I was looking for table decorations for our wedding I found a beautiful silver candelabra. Behind the spot where the candles go is a figure of an man with his arms around the figure of a woman who is holding a spot for a candle. It was lovely and I bought it. When it arrived it came in a fancy box with satin lining inside. On the box were Hebrew characters. Then I realized something. It's not a candelabra, it's a menorah. Obviously it cannot be used for a wedding decoration. The problem is that I could not send it back. I still have and I still like it. I sometimes bring it up at Christmas time, but I wonder if it is all right for me to do so. I dislike leaving it in a box in storage as it is a lovely work of art. On the other hand it's not really politically correct for me to display it or even own it. That's kind of funny.
  A few weeks ago I bought some new lab coats. The selections was really thin and it was a struggle to find ones that I liked and that fit. I found one that I liked. It was big enough to go over my thickest sweaters and it looked like my lab coat that I ruined when I washed it with ink pens in the pockets. I brought it to work last week to wear and noticed that it only had three large buttons on it. The rest of the jacket was open from the middle of the torso down. Strange, but maybe it's a new style. It wasn't until I noticed the gathers where the buttons ended that I realized it was a maternity lab coat. I had to smile at the fact that someone my age was wearing a maternity lab coat. I probably shouldn't wear it, but I can't return it and well it does fit over those large sweaters. I'll keep it and hope that no one asks me any questions about it.
  Since I can't think of anything funny, I thought maybe I could write about some good news. Again, nothing came to mind. The closest thing I could think of is that yesterday, the yarn that didn't want to become a sweater is now a finished throw. It has found a new home on the back of the couch and it looks good. The white couch sets off it's colours.
  I suppose I'd better get going. There is dishes to wash, laundry to do and yarn to knit. Maybe I'll think of something funny while I'm doing these chores.....


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