What Are You Doing Here?

  Hi This is Scamp. Sophie doesn't know it, but I've found her password. I'm going to write the column today. Sophie thinks I'm in the computer room because I'm hiding from Ethan, who is visiting today. Ethan is Sophie's grandson. He's cute. He's also four years old. So far he's staying away from me, but I don't want to take any chances. Young humans are unpredictable.
  Colby is hiding under the dining room table. He's laying on a chair. Since there is a tablecloth over the table, he can't be seen. I don't understand why he is such a coward. He is the Chief House Cat which means he is responsible for detecting intruders and dealing with them.
   I think I'm going to close the door just a little bit. Sophie is in the kitchen, talking to C right now. If she comes down the hall I don't want her to see me here. If I close the door a little she won't know.
  I'm glad that C finally cleaned the room up. there was a lot of stuff in here especially by the door. It's all gone now. I can see the carpet and it's blue. All of Sophie's knitting stuff is in one corner. I recognize the knitting things, although C has put all the yarn away so I can't lay on it. There are some weird looking pieces of cloth that seemed to be attached to pieces of wood. I have no idea what those are.
  Wait a minute, I hear steps in the hallway. I think Sophie is headed this way. Maybe she's going to the bedroom to fold the basket of laundry. I'll just sit here for  a minutes and see what happens.
 (The door opens. Sophie comes in.)
Scamp: What are you doing here?
Sophie: I live here.
Scamp: I know that, but aren't you supposed to be at work or something?
Sophie: I'm on vacation this week. You know that. The question is, what are you doing on the computer.
Scamp: Typing
Sophie: Yes, I can see that, but what are you doing?
Scamp: (looking a little nervous) Oh....just surfing......
Sophie: Wikipedia?
Scamp Yes. I'm surfing Wikipedia. (He's grateful for the opening.)
Sophie: What new thing have you learned?
Scamp: Oh.... I don't know.....just stuff......
Sophie: Come now, what are you reading?
Scamp (spies the hymnal on the desk): I'm learning about hymns.
Sophie: On Wikipedia?
Scamp: I'm on the Church website.
Sophie: You said you were on Wikipedia.
Scamp: Well...I'm looking at both. (He's starting to look a little nervous.
Sophie: Scamp, what are you really doing.
Scamp (looking really nervous): I'm not doing anything wrong.
Sophie: I never said you were. What are you really doing?
Scamp(decides to just confess) I'm writing your column.
Sophie: Who told you that you could do that?
Scamp: You did.
Sophie: I don't remember asking you to write this week.
Scamp: I've written it before.
Sophie: I know that, but I usually ask you to do so and I didn't ask you this week. Which brings up another question, how did you get the password?
Scamp: I found it.
Sophie: You found it and decided that you were going to write my column without permission.
Scamp (in a jaunty tone): Yep, that's right.
Sophie: What were you going to write about?
Scamp: I don't know. Just stuff.
Sophie: Stuff.
Scamp: Well I had a good idea, but now I don't remember what it is.
Sophie: I'm sorry about that. It happens to me a lot.
Scamp: Well, If you hadn't interrupted me......
Sophie: Scamp!
Scamp: All right... that wasn't very nice.....
Sophie: Maybe you should just end the column now.
Scamp: That's a good idea. It's almost naptime.
Sophie: Next time please ask first.
Scamp: O.K. will. I promise.


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