Why I Believe


  I like to read the comments at the end of articles I read on the internet. Other people's thoughts interest me. I'm constantly amazed at the varying reactions any one article will generate. This is especially true when the article is about a church or any other religious topic. There are those who are staunch supporters, those who are in favour, those who don't care and those who oppose. Sometimes those who oppose are vehement in thoer opposition. I've read comments from people who see religion as a fable for mentally weak people to those who think all religion is dangerous and must be removed from society.
 I can understand to some extent those who think it is dangerous given that religious extremists  of many faiths get a lot of attention. They see instances where people use their faith as justification for bigotry of many types. They don't see the whole picture, mainly because those beneficial aspects of faith are not that noticeable and don't garner much attention.
  Last week was a good example.
  Nearly a week ago, a local leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints passed away. It was very unexpected. He was only 65 years old, in the prime of his life really. He had recently retired and was enjoying his life with his wife, children and grandchildren. He had been a Church leader for many years and was liked and respected by those who he served and those who served with him.
  Members were shocked by the news. How could this possibly happen? He wasn't ill or infirm. As an adherent to the Church's Word of Wisdom, he would have been expected to have lived at least 20 or maybe 30 years longer.
  As one who had met him and had dealings with him, I was saddened by the news. I felt and feel sad for his wife and family who expected many more happy years with him. I felt and feel sad for the two men who served with him in the position that he held. They would need to figure out how to go on without him and would miss his sage counsel. It is going to be very strange to go to Stake Conferences and not see him in his customary place on the stand.
  It also occurred to me that this is why I believe. It's times like this when faith is important. I can't believe that we are all the result of some cosmic accident and that when we die there is nothing else. I can't believe that the bad things that happen are "just the way it is". That there is no real purpose or reason for anything.
  I believe that were all were created and that there is a God. I believe that each of us has a reason for being here at this time. I believe that we are accountable to him for our actions and for our inactions. I believe that there is a reason for everything that happens. That reason may not be clear right away. Sometimes it's days, months or years before I find out. It may be that I won't know until I reach the other side of the Veil. Until then, I believe that my purpose for being here is to leave the part of the world I'm in better than it was when I got here and to follow the teachings of Jesus to the best of my ability.
  I believe in forgiveness and second chances. I believe that someone who is trying to do better in their life should be allowed the chance to start over. I believe that a good person can do something really bad, but that does not make him/her a bad person. I'm not denying the reality that there are those out there who enjoy hurting people and causing misery. I believe that change is possible to those who want to and work at it.
   I believe that we must be kind and honest with others. We should treat everyone with respect. We are all children of the same God.
   I also believe that death is only the end of life on earth. It is the beginning of life elsewhere. No one is lost. I believe that the Church leader who passed away was greeted by those of his family who have left this earth before him. I believe that he is in a better place and has been given work to do among the spirits that he is now with. I believe that he will at some point in time be reunited with his wife, children and all others who he loves and that love him.
 Why do I believe this? It is because I can't conceive of any other way. I can't live in a world without hope. Where it's everyone for him/herself. Where life is just a bunch of random meaningless events.
  These are the benefits of faith. Hope, compassion, the desire to be a better person are all good things. Helping those in need and being able to cope with the misfortunes that occur in life are benefits of faith.
  Those who feel that religion is a bad or dangerous thing do not see this part of the picture. That faith can spread good in the world. That faith can bring people together. A group of people of faith, even of differing faiths can come together and work miracles. Lives can be changed and good can come about. Hard times can be endured. All things are possible.
  This is why I believe.


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