Possum Kingdom

   C and I are planning our yearly trip to South Carolina. Now that my vacation time has been approved we can start making plans and reservations.
  This year I have decided that I don't want to buy anything. We don't need any souvenirs. I don't need any more yarn and I certainly don't need any more hats. Instead of spending our money and time on things, I want to spend it on experiences.
  Part of my attitude about this comes from my new friend Ellen. Ellen recently married Mac, who is a long time friend of C. They decided that she would move out of the large house where she had lived while she was taking care of her mother and into Mac's much smaller house. Ellen told me that she wanted to live a minimalist lifestyle. She wanted to spend her time out doing things instead of collecting and caring for a lot of possessions. Now that C has transitioned out of his job, he has been spending time doing the organizing that neither of us has had much time to do. He's been collecting stuff in bags and boxes. There is a lot of stuff. He's going to be busy taking things to be shredded, taking things to Goodwill and taking things to the hazardous waste dump. Ellen is right. Less in this care is best.
  I told C that I want to go to Possum Kingdom. Yes, that is a real place in South Carolina. There is a speedway there that hosts karting events. There is also a farm that sells goat milk and goat milk products. Neither of those things is the reason why I want to go there. I'm just intrigued by the name. Possum Kingdom is a funny name of a town. (There is another town by that name, it's in Texas.) If someone asks me where we  went on our vacation, I'd like to be able to say we went to Possum Kingdom just to see what kind of reaction I would get.
  Another place I want to visit is Pauline. Pauline is a wide place in the road near Spartanburg.  According to Wikipedia the original name of the town, Stribling was already taken by another town. They chose Pauline which was the name of the local postmaster's daughter.
  The reason why I want to go there is because C once lived out there. When he was in college and pledging into a fraternity, their fraternity sponsors drove them out there for a little prepledge hazing. The plan was to drop the pledges off there, pelt them with eggs and leave them to find their way back to campus. (If I ever meet those guys I'm going to let them have it.) They didn't realize the C had lived out there. C recognized where they were just before they were dropped off. C outsmarted his sponsors and with his fellow pledges managed to avoid the eggs. They found a gas station to shelter in just before a rainstorm moved in. A policeman who had pulled into the station gave them a ride back to campus. They got back before the sponsors. They never told anyone how they got back.
  There's a lot to experience in South Carolina. We may go to Charleston and go on a carriage ride though the city. If I find that book with the walking tours in it we can do that too. Fort Sumter is also nearby.  When we go to Myrtle Beach I might conquer my fear of heights and ride the Ferris Wheel by the Boardwalk. Hopefully we will get in a game on minigolf.
  I will definitely get some fresh boiled peanuts. You can find them at small roadside stands in near Myrtle Beach and Charleston. Last year I didn't get any. There's a little restaurant called Another Broke Egg Café. I had the black bean benedict which was amazing. I hope to go back. I've never found another place that serves it.
  We'll have a lot to experience......



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