New Year's Eve Column

  In about ten hours 2016 will be over and 2017 will begin. I think we can all agree that it has been a tough year. In my case, it's been a very tough year.
  Since many of us feel bruised and battered by the last 12 months, I think it's time we try something different. Something novel. Something almost radical.
  Let's be nice to each other. I'm not talking about on the surface politeness, although I would settle for that if it's all I can get. I'm talking about real, genuine old fashioned kindness towards others. Let's try and understand that there are people out there who are scared. They worry about the safety of themselves and their families. They worry that laws that protect our environment from pollution may go unenforced. They worry about discrimination.
  Instead of mocking these people, treat them with respect. Show them that you are not one of the ones they need to be afraid of. Don't write them off as left or right wing lunatics. Listen to them. Maybe their concerns are your concerns. Maybe you have some things in common with them. Maybe you'll realize that they are not the inhuman creatures you thought they were.
  It's time this culture of hate was turned around. It can be turned around by a hundred little acts. Forgive someone. Refuse to be offended. Try looking at a situation from someone else's point of view.  Plant flowers, vegetables or fruit. Smile at someone. Anything that is positive.
  Refrain from road rage. Try not to be impatient with the older person ahead of you in line, the family with small children or someone who just seems to be chronically grumpy.
  I don't think we need to bring all the hate from 2016 with us into 2017. Let's make this coming year a better year for all of us.
  I'd like to leave you with this quote from American poet, essayist and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson. Please insert the word "year' where the quote says "day".
 "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered by your old nonsense."
  Best wishes to all in the new year.



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