Humans do Strange Things

  Hi This is Scamp. Colby and I are writing the column today.
   I was surfing the internet a few weeks ago and found something called a "Sit and Spin". I thought it might have something to do with spinning yarn, so I showed it to Sophie. When she saw it she laughed. It turns out that a Sit and Spin was a popular toy when she was younger. It doesn't have anything to do with yarn. Instead you sit on it and move the handle in the middle and spin around and around.
  It made me realize just how strange humans are. Only a human would find spinning around fun.
  We've written about this before. I'm still amazed at how you humans like to carry strange shaped water dishes everywhere you go. Not only that, but you humans put some strange things in those dishes. Some of it smells good, but some of it is really weird. Sophie was on the couch drinking some white stuff out of her portable water dish. I sniffed at it and asked her what it was. She told me it was eggnog. I asked her what eggnog is and she told me. I was appalled. Why would you ruin a good glass of milk by putting an egg in it? Especially a raw one. Yuck!
  This is Colby. I think that presents are strange. Humans buy something and either wrap it in paper or put it in a box and then wrap the box. Then they give this to someone who takes the paper off and then takes it out of the box. Then they recycle the box and paper. Why go through all the trouble of wrapping the present? It seems strange to me. Why do they get rid of the box? I personally think that the box is the best part and the paper can be fun to play with as well.
  This year Sophie and C brought a tree into the house and put it in a pan of water. It's another weird human custom that they do at this time of year. This year, they only put lights on the tree and didn't put any toys on it. That's not fair! Part of the fun of having a tree in the house is that there are toys hanging on it to play with. I'm fond of the bells. I like the sound that they make when I hit them. It's also fun to knock the toys off and hide them to see if either Sophie or C notices they are missing.
  Humans also like to stare at small square lights. C and Sophie do this a lot. The correct term for what they are staring at is a screen. I don't understand why they need to stare at them so much. There are other things to look at. They could look out the windows. They could look at us. They could look at Scamp and see that he needs to be groomed again. (He's been complaining about how his fur looks.)
  This is Scamp again. Sophie some times does something really weird. She paints her toe claws. I guess humans call these nails. It doesn't matter what you call them it's still strange. She goes though all this trouble to paint them. Then she wears shoes or socks all day. No one ever sees them. I don't know why she does it. Her toes do look pretty, but who cares because no one ever sees them.
  This Colby. I used to think knitting was strange. Why do humans wrap yarn around two sticks the way that they do? It seemed a little silly. I have changed my mind about knitting. The yarn is fun to play with and for Christmas Sophie knitted Scamp and I two little rugs to lay on. They are made with fuzzy yarn which is nice and warm. I like to put my face on it. They are in pretty colours too. Mine is brown and white. Scamp's is blue, black and white.
  Maybe not everything that humans do is strange......


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