I Kind of Like Her

 Hi This is Scamp.
  When C and Sophie got on a trip we have a cat sitter that takes care of us. Her name is Judy. I used to get very upset with C and Sophie when they would go away. I would rather that they stay home and spend more time with me and Colby. I would get very upset when I would see the suitcases come out.
  Judy comes once a day in the morning. She feeds us breakfast and sets up dinner trays for us. She cleans our catboxes too. I really like that she does this every day. Sometimes C and Sophie don't clean them for a few days.
  When she first started coming I would be mean to her. I would hiss and growl. Sometimes I would pee on things so C and Sophie would know I was upset. Sometimes she would bring us small toys that I would ignore. I always made sure to watch her to make sure she did things like she was supposed to. The past few years I stopped growling and hiss only once in awhile. She does feed us after all.
  Last spring I decided that I was going to be a little nicer. I would greet her at the door and let her know I was hungry. I didn't hiss at all. I realized that she is a nice person and that she has companion animals too. She has two dogs and a couple of cats. I started thinking better of her. Anyone who has animals living with them must not be all bad. If she takes care of them as well as she takes care of me and Colby, they must be doing pretty well.
  Sophie and I had a talk before they left for Door County. She asked me if I would try to get to know Judy a little better. She told me that Judy had been taking care of us for several years and had always been very nice to us. She reminded me of the toys that she had brought and that I should be nicer to her.
  I decided that Sophie was right. This time I was going to be nice. When she came I would meet her at the door and escort her to the kitchen. I would wait patiently while she fixed our food. I was going to be nice.
  What I learned is that Judy is really nice. I let her pet me and she is a good petter. I played hide and go seek with her. I hid in the cabinet where our food is kept. She thought I was silly  to hide in there. She brought some catnip toys that she had made and I played with them. Not only is she a good petter, she makes good toys too.
  Sophie was right. You have to give people a chance. You might find that you like someone if you just take the time to get to know them a little better. I still miss C and Sophie when  they go on trips, but I know that Judy and I will have a good time. Now I need to convince Colby that he doesn't need to hide when she comes over. He's a good friend, but a real coward sometimes.
   I have to go now, It's time for supper.



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