Bits and Pieces

  I cannot think of a single thing to write about this week.  I've had this problem before. Many times I get lucky and something happens or I see something that inspires me to write. I'm dry this week. I literally have nothing.
  The challenge is that I also don't have the option of saying "I think I'll skip this week." I made a commitment a long time ago to write something every week and I've kept it. Sometimes it means I have to take a laptop with me on vacation so I can write while I'm travelling. Once it meant writing the column ahead of time and sending it to a friend to send for me.
  There have been a few ideas that have floated in and out over the past few days. One of the was the debate that happened last week. I tried hard not to watch it. I really didn't see the point in doing so. It wasn't going to be a debate as much as an insult fest. Who can get in the best sound bite. I wound up listening to a little of it as C had it turned on. 
  Even worse than listening to the debate was all the commentary after the debate. I'm still not sure what "manturupting" (I don't know if I spelled it right.) is. I do know that I got tired of hearing about who interrupted who and how many times it happened.
  I considered writing about pharmacists being somewhat obsessive compulsive. I thought about it one morning as I was rearranging my work space for the day. I have a certain way I like my work station set up. The mouse goes on the left my beanbag wrist support near it. I have to have a pen and a Sharpie marker laying between the function keys and the number keys at the top of my keyboard. My partner prefers his workspace set up differently. When I vacate the space. I move the mouse to the right and allow him to rearrange the space. To me it's somewhat amusing, but I didn't think I could build a whole column around it. I could mention that I mark all partly used stock bottles with three marks of some type. I also have to clean the foil or paper seal off the opening before I use the bottle. I still didn't think it would be interesting.
  I could write about how I'm almost finished with my blue lace shawl, but I think I've written enough knitting columns. I was thinking about writing about forgiveness, but that topic has been used too.
  I asked Scamp for help. He said he could write it, but he really needed a thorough grooming and a long nap. He stayed up to watch the football game last night.
  Sometimes I get ideas by looking at Yahoo's news feed. There was nothing interesting. I looked at Facebook and found nothing there either.
  I try not to worry when this happens. I know that writers block is temporary. I just have to be patient and keep  my eyes and mind open. Eventually I will find a topic.
  The problem is it will be after I've finished this week's column...... Oh well.....I can save it for next week......


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