A Good Trip to the Vet

  Hi. This is Colby. I told Sophie that I would write today to give her a break. It's not really a break though, I have trouble typing so she still has to type for me. I suppose I could get Scamp to do it, but he isn't about to miss one minute of his beauty sleep. I don't understand how he can type anyway. His paws are much bigger than mine.
  That's not what I wanted to write about. Last week I went to the vet. I hate going to the vet. This is partly because I get flashbacks of when I was a kitten and had to go to adoption days in hope of finding a family. All those people looking at me scared me. I don't like being confined to a carrier. I'm a cat. Cats are supposed to roam around. The other reason is that I get a little car sick. Even though I ride in the back, it's still not fun.
 We had to wait a few minutes before we were shown to a room. I don't understand why Sophie didn't let me out of my carrier. There were no other cats in the waiting room. She would not let me out until we got unto a room.
  Once I was out I roamed around. The room smelled strange. Obviously other cats had been there. I wanted to go back into my carrier for safety, but Sophie had shut the door. I decided that I would mark every thing I could find by rubbing my face against it. That way other cats would know that I had been there and would mind their manners.
  The vet tech came into the room. Since I didn't know her I hid under a chair. Sophie pulled me out and out me on the exam counter. Out of reflex I started purring softly. I do this to make myself feel better. I also started to shed. I can't help the shedding part. Fur just starts coming off me. Fortunately I have a lot of fur.
  The first thing she did was weigh me. I don't like to be weighed. I know I'm a big cat. I don't need to be told that. They finally got a weight on me. Then the vet tech left.
  After a few minutes the vet came in. I hid under the chair again. Sophie pulled me out again. I like Dr. G. He's a nice vet and he told me once that he likes orange cats. Sophie picked me up and put me on the counter again. I tried to jump off. I don't enjoy the poking and prodding that I know is coming up.
  He looked into my mouth and said that I have a little gingivitis. There is a little tartar on my teeth. He asked if my teeth were brushed daily. I told him no. I don't like having my teeth brushed. Sophie gives me a teeth cleaning treat once a day. He checked me all over. It wasn't too bad until I got to the rabies shot. I don't like the rabies shot. It could have been worse. I could have needed a distemper shot too.
  After the exam was over. Dr. G. talked to Sophie and me. He was pleased . I had lost three pounds. I knew I had lost some weight, but I didn't know it was that much. This new meal routine must be helping. Sophie has special food dishes for me so I don't eat so fast. This way I don't eat Scamp's food too. She also puts our dry food in food balls which she hides around the house. She puts some in a puzzle box where we have to dig if out. I didn't like these changes at first, but now I enjoy the challenge. I think the fact that I stopped chewing on yarn helped too. Yarn must be fattening.
  I was also happy that I wouldn't have to come back for dental work. Dr. G. told Sophie that I could have two teeth cleaning treats daily.
  I got back into my carrier and we went into the lobby. Sophie paid the bill and we went home. Since I was a little sore from the shot, I decided to take a nap. Scamp is perfectly capable of patrolling the house.
  It wasn't such a bad trip after all......


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