Today is my birthday. At 12:31 (Yes, I know the actual time of my birth. My mother told me that I interrupted the lunch break of a doctor and a nurse.) I will by 47 years old. I was going to write about the fact that I'm starting to get a little squeamish about my age. I really like being in my 40s. I don't want to think about the fact that I'm now sort of in my late 40s and that I can see the big 5--0 coming up.
  This is unusual for me because I try very hard not to care about my age. I've made a point for being grateful for the privilege of growing older because not everyone is allowed so many years. This fussing about age is not like me.
  I mentally gave myself a shake and told myself that I'll ruin three more years of a perfectly good decade by worrying about this now. I'm still in my 40s and I can, if I choose invoke the feminine privilege of staying in my 40s. (What I'm really hoping for is to be timeless like Sophia Loren, Katharine Hepburn and Julie Andrews.)
  This past year has been rather challenging both professionally and personally. I've had to cut some unhealthy people out of my life. I've had to sacrifice a lot of free time that I used to have. I miss having time to spend with my harp and dulcimer.
  I'm choosing to focus on the good things that have happened this year. Here is a small list of them.
  I finished the scarf project. There is nothing like the feeling of setting a big goal and then accomplishing it. I think I knitted five scarves in about and year and a half. None of them are alike and each scarf taught me something. I learned that knitting thread is not easy, but the results can be very cool. Black and silver look good together. It's all right if you make a mistake, you can call it a design element. Don't give your handiwork to someone who doesn't care.
  C introduced me to "What's My Line?" It is my new favourite show. I've been introduced to many interesting people. Today I became acquainted with Charlotte Whitton, who was the first female mayor of the Canadian city of Ottawa. She seemed to be a crusty lady. I've seen Lt Edward T. Lyon, the first man to be commissioned in the Army Nursing Corp. I've become acquainted with Francis the Talking Mule  (123rd Mule Detachment M52519). I learned that Francis' human partner was Donald O'Connor. I've also seen people who practice a variety of interesting occupations like diaper inspector, manhole designer, flea powder salesman, denture maker and the man who plays the back end of a horse in a vaudeville act. I'm still trying to figure out that the "legitimate theater" is. One day I will also figure out what the seven lively arts are.
  This past spring we went to South Carolina where I met more members of the family I've gained through my marriage. They were warm, friendly and didn't seem to mind the fact that I am an unrepentant Yankee.
  While in the South I found some beautiful yarn. Not all projects have to be complicated. I bought two project kits with amazing yarns that are very simple. I bought some other cool looking yarn too. Not sure what I'm going to do with it, but I'll think of something.
  I learned that I can help people by sharing my experiences. This year I met Ellen. She is an older lady who was engaged to Mac, a friend of C from a long time ago. Like me, Ellen had never been married and was marrying a man who had been divorced and had grown children. I wrote her a letter sharing some thoughts with her. She was grateful for the letter and for the support she felt from it. I'm inspired by her desire to live simply and to spend her extra time and money on experiences rather than on things.
  Looking back on this it has been a better year than I thought. Perhaps the lesson for the year is that the difference between a good year and a bad year can be what you focus on. We'll see what this next year brings......


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