The Power of Prayer "Wedding Ring Found!"

   The story I am about to write is a true story.  It begins like this.  A few years ago, Sophie, my wife, would say to me on occasion, "I don't like the wedding ring I bought you! I wish you would lose it, so I could buy you a nicer one."  I would always respond, "But honey, I love my ring.  I don't want a different ring.  This is the one I want and I am happy with it."  Sophie would then just say, "I'm glad you like it, but I don't."
   Well, this kind of discussion would come up every few months and my response would always be the same. By the way, my name is C.  I'm Sophie's husband.  I love her dearly, and I treasure the wedding ring she gave me, almost 11 years ago now!!  I have always prided myself on being careful with where I placed my ring whenever I would take it off.  Such as when washing dishes, showering, etc. I could never bear the thought of losing that ring!!  The thought of hurting or disappointing Sophie in any way, was the last thing I would ever want to happen!
   As time passed and in April of this year, I found myself doing my domestic chores, cleaning the house, washing the dishes, etc., I was happy to get my work done and everything put away in its proper place.  But when I went to reach for my wedding ring, that was supposed to be in my right front pocket, with another ring that I wear on my right hand, the wedding ring was not there!  I also
remembered putting some Kleenex in that same pocket where both rings were supposed to be! I thought I had grabbed one of the Kleenex, used it and threw it in the garbage earlier. So I looked through the garbage and everywhere else in the house it could possibly be!
   I started having thoughts like, "oh my, what am I going to say to Sophie!!! I just have to find that ring!!"  I looked all over the house and in my car, thinking it might have fallen out of my pocket on a run to the store earlier.  Still no luck!  I was going to have to pick Sophie up from work and break the
sad news to her!! I was not looking forward to that!!  We were even going out to dinner too!! Well, I  arrived at her place of work, she got in the car and I said "honey, I haven't something to tell you."  She looked at me rather anxiously and replied, "What's the matter honey? Are you ok?"
   I said, "well, not really. I have misplaced my wedding ring, and I am feeling sick about it!!"  I shared with her how the day had gone and that I couldn't believe I had lost it!  It just didn't seem real to me!  Sophie remained calm and said, "Well, I guess now I can go ahead and buy you the ring I wanted for you in the first place." I replied, "I don't want any other ring. That ring was precious to me and I am not going to give up finding that ring!" Sophie responded, " If that's what you want to do then just let me know if you give up looking for it."
   Well, shortly after that happened, in early April, we had planned a trip to South Carolina, to visit friends and relatives at the end of April.  Still no ring.  I kept thinking that I must have grabbed it when I grabbed the Kleenex out of that pocket and threw it in the garbage with the Kleenex.  Once we got to South Carolina, we stopped at a LDS Bookstore, in Columbia and I saw a ring that was inexpensive and we got that for the time being.  I felt better having a ring on that finger!!
   When we returned home to Minnesota, I kept having a strong feeling and aching in my heart for my wedding ring!!  I just kept believing that it just can't be gone!!!  I wanted that ring back and wasn't going to give up hope in finding it!  About  6 weeks after we had returned from our vacation,  we planned a bike trip to Minneapolis and later that day we would attend the Guthrie Theatre to see the musical, "The Music Man", one of our favorites.  We also had a wonderful dinner planned beforehand.
   The night before, I attempted to look in my car again.  I looked between the driver seat and where my seat buckle fastened.  Before, when I had looked there I hadn't seen anything.  This time I saw on of my finger picks that I use with my guitar and banjo.  I thought to myself, "why didn't I see that before?"  I thought maybe it was in the same pocket with my ring and fell out when I sat down there."  I poked around in that area with a pen because it was a narrow space and I couldn't get my hand to fit in there. Nothing else happened so I gave up for the night. Later that night,while I was in deep prayer,  I felt such a loving spirit over me, and that I literally said to my Heavenly Father that I knew and believed that if He wanted me to have that ring, that He would make it happen. I believed that with all my heart!  The next morning of our bike adventure , dinner and going to the theatre, I was loading up our bikes on the car.  I had to go look in the back seat for my bike lock.
   When I opened the back door, my eyes were drawn to a shiny looking circular shaped object on the floor mat. (near to the area behind the front seat and middle console was)  As I reached down for the object I shouted within myself, "Could it be??  Could it be??"  And there it was , my precious wedding ring!!!!  I can't remember feeling that happy and thankful for a while!!  It was a different kind of happy.  I knew, with all my heart, that Heavenly Father had answered my prayer!!!! He has answered many of my prayers!! That day was so wonderful!! I will treasure that experience forever!
  In closing, I just want to let you know that I am very careful with where I place my rings now!!  I don't want to put myself or Sophie through that ever again!! It made her very happy too! I want you all to know, that I know the power of prayer, and that Our Father in Heaven hears every one of them!! He answers them in the way that He knows is best for each of us!!  Thanks Sophie, for allowing me to share this story! Love, C.


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