Picking up the Check

  I had lunch with my friend Karin today. I told her that I would be picking up the check. She demurred, but I stood firm. I really wanted to do this. Her oldest son will be leaving on a mission soon and I knew it would be after her birthday before I see her again. She accepted my reasons. We had a nice lunch.
  I have a long history of check grabbing. I started out doing it because I made more money than most of my friends. I didn't want someone to be left out due to lack of funds. I also felt then (and still do) that I have been very blessed. I want to share my good fortune with others.
  I have several check grabbing techniques. I have gone to the restaurant early and instructed the server to hand the check to me. I left the table saying I was going to the restroom when what I was really going to do was talk to the server to make sure I got the check. I have grabbed the check off the table and refused to surrender it.
  I have also engaged in creative check grabbing. When C and I were dating he was a musician and worked in a coffee shop. He made enough to pay for the essentials and that's it. We would often go to parks and other places to spend time together. Many times we would stop on our way home to get something to eat. I knew he couldn't afford it so I would make up all kinds of reasons for why I had to pay. I loved him so much (and still do) that I didn't want him to be embarrassed or self conscious. Mostly I would make up holidays, for instance it would be "Take a former resident of South Carolina to lunch day", "Barista Appreciation Day" or "Feed a Musician Day". I enjoyed making up these holidays. I sometimes wonder if he wondered what strange random holiday I would think up next.
  I like taking friends out to places that they haven't been to before. C and I especially enjoy taking people to The Melting Pot. We've taken all my stepchildren there. We've also taken six other couples there. (Not at the same time of course...) There's just something about good friends and fondue that go well together.
  Sometimes my check grabbing is thwarted. My friend, Dana, refuses to let me pick up the check when we eat together. The only exception to this rule is my annual birthday lunch. There she has no choice. I am buying no matter what. My Dad has been known to thwart me on occasion. I want to treat him and he tells me no. Since I was raised to be obedient, I let him. Two times he's let me buy him a meal without too much discussion.
  I don't think that this is a habit that will go away soon. I don't care if others think I'm being overbearing or a control freak. I know my reasons and if anyone doesn't like it, tough. I'm buying anyway.


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