Movie Quotes

   Sometimes when I'm having a bad day at work, my tech, Rae, will say, "Boo. Boo. Boo." Those three words sometimes start a quote war. It's the first line in her favorite part of the movie, 'The Princess Bride'.
  Rae and I have use quotes from this movie to get us through some pretty bad days. It usually starts out as a game. We feed each other lines from the film and see if the other person can finish. Rae is much better than I am because she can do the lines with the correct accents. When Rae leaves for the day I will sometimes call out to her, "Have fun storming the castle!"
  Some of my favourite quotes come from movies I have seen. I'd like to share a few of them with you today. Since I'm already on The Princess Bride, I'll start there.
  There are so many quotes that I like from The Princess Bride. I like "I'll just have to find myself a new giant." I've been known to mutter this when I can't find something because it's misplaced. I also like "Drop....Your....Sword." Prince Humperdinck is preparing to duel Westley. Westley stalls for time by explaining to the Prince what term "to the pain" means. One Westley is able to get on his feet, he commands the prince to drop is sword. Another good line is when Humperdinck says, "That may be the first time in my life a man has dared insult me." Westley answers, "It won't be the last." After Westley defeats Fezzik, the giant, he says "I do not envy you the headache you will have when you awake. But for now, rest well and dream of large women."
  Early in the movie, Westley who is disguised as a Man in Black has a battle of wits the Vizzini. Westley puts iocane powder, which is a poison, in one of two goblets of wine and invites Vizzini to decide which goblet has the poison. When Vizzini chooses they'll both drink and one of them will die. Vizzini dies. Buttercup says, "And to think, all this time it was your cup that was poisoned" The Man in Black answers, "They were both poisoned. I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder."
   There are other movies I like with good quotes. Bull Durham has some good quotes. "I wouldn't dig in if I was you. Next one might be at your head. I don't know where it's gonna go. Swear to God." In one scene the coach from the team catches a woman in the locker room. When he tells her to stay out she says that her dad will take away the scoreboard he donated. The coach answers, "What do we need a scoreboard for? We haven't scored any runs all season." In another scene the coach yells at the players. He says, "This... is a simple game. You throw the ball. You hit the ball You catch the ball." The last quote comes from the beginning of the movie. Crash and Ebby (a young pitcher) step out of a bar to fight. Crash tells Ebby to take a swing. When Ebby refuses Crash takes a baseball out of his pocket and tells Ebby to hit him with the ball. Ebby refuses saying that he would kill Crash. Crash replies, "Yeah? From what I hear, you couldn't hit water if you fell out of a ...boat."
  Bull Durham was the only sports movie I liked until I saw Hoosiers. Hoosiers is my all time favourite sports movie.  It has a lot of good quotes. "It has to work this time or that's it for good." There's one part where Strap, a member of the basketball team' is praying for a smaller player who has to play. Normal Dale, the coach, breaks the huddle by slapping Strap's hand and saying, "Make it a good one, Strap" One of the best lines is delivered right before the team plays in a sectional game. "If you put your effort and concentration into playing to your potential, to be the best that you can be, I don't care what the scoreboard says at the end of the game, in my book we're gonna be winners." If you want to inspire someone, I can't imagine anything better than that. Then there is the classic line right before the final championship game. "And David put his hand in the bag and took out a stone and slung it. And it struck the Philistine on the head and he fell to the ground. Amen."
   I'll end it with another favourite movie of mine. The movie is The King's Speech. It has a little drama, a little suspense and a little romance. It also has a happy ending which is how I like my movies. At one point Lionel makes a rule that Bertie cannot smoke. When Bertie tries to light up, Lionel says, "My castle, my rules." After Lionel and Bertie have a quarrel, Lionel is shown at home working at a desk. When his wife asks him what's wrong he tells her that he is having trouble with a patient. He also says, "he could really be great." His wife who doesn't know who he is talking about says, "Perhaps he doesn't want to be great. Perhaps that's what you want." Lionel pays Bertie a compliment when they are practicing for the coronation, "You have such perseverance Bertie, you're the bravest man I know."
  The last line is my favourite. According to the director's commentary track it was something said by the real Lionel Logue and King George VI. After the King gives his speech Lionel says, "You still stammered on the 'W'." King George replies, "Well I had to throw in a few so they knew it was me."
   I could go on for much longer on this topic. These are the quotes that I like best. All of these movies are wonderful to watch, Bull Durham has quite a bit of bad language so it isn't really family friendly. Watch them for yourself. Maybe you'll find more good quotes.
All quotes found on the IMDb website.


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