A New Time Waster

   Last week when writing a column on movie quotes I went to the website IMDb. It stands for Internet Movie Database. I was looking for movie quotes and thought that would be the best site to get accurate quotes. I've discovered that it is a dangerous and possibly addictive website.
   The reason for this is in a category innocently named "goofs". You'll find it off to the right side under "explore more" if you are looking up a movie. When you look at this section you will find mistakes that people have found while watching the film. Mistakes of all kinds are listed there. Some of the mistakes are large ones such as things that did not exist before the time the movie was set in being found in the film. For instance a 1950s car found in a movie set in the 1920s. Some of them are small like an actor's hairstyle changing during a scene or props disappearing and reappearing in different places.
  There are instances where the sound isn't synchronized with the action, like an actor saying some thing and the soundtrack doesn't match the actor's mouth motion. It also points out times where crew members or equipment are visible. Errors in stories are also pointed out.
  All of this is interesting to me. I've looked up all the movies that I like. Movies I've seen over and over again. I never noticed any of the things that have been pointed out. I can't count how many times I've watched the movie "The King's Speech". I never noticed that the princesses don't age even though the film takes place over several years. I never noticed that some of the events in the film take place out of order. I never noticed that in one of the scenes the veil of the Duchess of York's  hat changes and that in one of the last scenes, the collar of the King's jacket is randomly up or down.
  Lately I've found myself going to the website and entering any movie that I've seen to see if I've noticed any goofs. So far there has only been one. Since I don't watch many movies I find myself looking at the same ones over and over again. What I'd like to do is remember some of them so that the next time I watch the movie I can actively look for the goofs. In fact, it might be fun to watch a movie with my laptop on and the site pulled up. That way I can look for them when they happen instead of trying to remember them.
  Needless to say I've been spending time doing this when there are other things that I should be doing. Things like laundry, dishes and grooming Scamp. (Scamp says he should be first on the list.)
  It's very irritating. I've just managed to wean myself off of Wikipedia and now I have found something else.
   Really the only way to stop addictions like this is to get off the computer completely which is impossible. I came up with this idea to set a timer for a set amount of time. When the timer goes off it means my computer time is over and I have to log off. I think it's time that I put that into practice.


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