It Only Looks Harmless

   I knew that trouble was brewing. I saw it the minute I spotted the woman sitting at the table with a young girl in a cheerful blue vest standing nearby. There was no way we would get into the dance hall without passing them. I'd seen those multicolored boxes before. The next thing I knew C and I purchased three boxes of Girl Scout cookies.
  You wouldn't think that a wholesome organization like the Girl Scouts would peddle dangerous substances, but they do. Those sweet treats are not harmless.
  Normally C and I like to share. We found our table and sat down. I put the boxes on the chair next to me out of sight. C moved them to the top of our table. I silently fretted about this. After all, someone might swipe them. We had bought a box of Samoas. They are my favorites. We got up to dance leaving our precious cookie boxes in the care of our friends. I knew I could trust them, couldn't I? It wasn't long before C decided that he should take the boxes to the car. After all we also had a box of Tagalongs. Those are his favourite. We decided that we didn't want to be too selfish, so we left the box of Thin Mints on the table. Those are good for sharing.
  I breathed a sigh of relief as he took the boxes out to the car. Then I got really mad at myself. They are cookies for crying out loud. They aren't that important. I was acting like they were my wallet or keys. Who cares if they get swiped or if someone helps themselves to a few. I'm not the kind of person who is stingy about things like that.
   That's what makes those cookies so dangerous. They alter your behavior. Even worse, you can't stop at one. I have tried to eat one cookie. It's harmless. One cookie is not going to hurt, right? Then you takes the first bite. The first bite is wonderful. No matter what cookie it is the first bite is the best thing ever. You want that bite to go on forever. It fades eventually and then you take the next and the nest until the cookie is gone. It's always gone too soon. Since the cookies are sort of small you might as well have another and another and another. The next thing you know you have consumed an entire sleeve or row. It wouldn't be so bad if it was possible to feel satisfied, but it's not possible. You want MORE.
   I'm amazed at how many things around us only appear to be harmless. Pretzels for instance. Most people like pretzels. They are small, cute and low fat. Unless you are on a carb controlled diet they are harmless, right? Think again. Like Girl Scout cookies you can't stop at one. Even a small handful is a challenge. Pretzels have an added danger. It's called pretzel dip. Yes, there is such thing. My personal favourite is raspberry. I have two jars of it. Mustard is good too.
   I could go an and on about the addictive qualities of Gardettos, Peanut M&Ms,Triscuits, Skittles, shoes and yarn. These are all things that look completely harmless. There are no warning labels on them.
  The only thing that we have to protect ourselves from these everyday menaces is willpower. We have to be strong. We cannot let ourselves be seduced by the bright colours, the illusion of healthiness or the sales person who says that they look very good on you.
  It is possible to win this battle. I, personally, have managed to make a bag of Peanut M&Ms last two whole days.
   Wait.....are those Samoas calling to me? I think I'd better check.


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