I Cant Spel

   Last weekend I wrote my column and posted it as usual. Once I've done that I send a link to a small group of people. I got on email and sent the link. Having finished that task I went on with the rest of my day.
  C and I had decided to go out for breakfast before running errands. Once we were seated at our table  C pulled out his phone to read my column. We went to the email with the link in it and clicked on it.
  The page that showed up wasn't mine. It didn't resemble mine in any way, shape or form. It was sort of scary looking. C thought that perhaps he had hit something wrong. He backed out and tried it again. The scary looking page came up again.
  I got nervous. How could this happen? Why was my link going to that page? I wasn't sure. I did know that I didn't want the people that I had sent the link to thinking that I had given their email addresses to someplace that would use them for marketing purposes. I didn't want them to think I was going to send out junk mail or spam. I wasn't sure what the page had on it, but I didn't want to offend any of my readers.
  I asked C if he could check my email. Once reader had already responded. I let him know that I was investigating it and would resend the link later in the day. I asked C to bring up the email I had sent. I looked at it carefully. Then I found the problem.
  I had mistyped the link. I reversed two of the letters. That was all it was. I hadn't been hacked. I breathed a deep sigh of relief. As soon as we got home I would need to resend the link. I hoped people would understand.
  This is something that happens to me a lot. It was misery back in the days of typewriters when I couldn't easily correct my spelling mistakes. I was happy when I got to college and was able to use the word processing programs available at the time. It meant that I would be able to fix things before I printed them.
  Spelling was not my best subject in school. I remember when would have class spelling bees. It would be fun until I got eliminated because I didn't know there were two 'u's in vacuum or two 'n's in mayonnaise. I would have to go back to my desk and watch while other classmates spelled words that seemed impossible with ease. I envied their prowess.
  You would think that once computers came out with spell check, my spelling worries would be over. The weren't. The spellcheck would miss some of my misspelled words. I also developed a new way to misspell. If I type too fast extra letters creep into my writing. I'm not sure how they get there, I'm only hitting one key at a time. It's irritating.
  I'm starting to come to terms with my lack of spelling ability. I know I'm not alone. There are whole flocks of teens and other chronic texters that can't or don't spell words correctly. Since I don't want to be mistaken for one of them I keep a dictionary at my computer desk right next to the keyboard. I reread things that I write word for word in hopes of catching any stray errors. It seems to be working.
  Except when I fail to proofread my link before sending.......


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