This Year's Christmas Music

   I think Musak gods have been listening to me and for once they are being merciful. For the last I don't know how many years I have been enduring endless renditions of Christmas music starting promptly the day after Thanksgiving. One year the music started the day after Halloween.
   The result of this is that I don't like most Christmas music and seldom play it at home. It's a shame because I have amassed a nice collection from Christmas lounge music to Mannheim Steamroller to James Taylor. I put them in my home CD player more because it is expected than out of genuine desire to listen to them. When C and I have to play something for a Christmas program at church practicing is a chore because the last thing I want to hear at home is more Christmas music.
  This season is different. Several months ago the Keeper of the Musak, whoever that is, decided that any music played in the store would be strictly instrumental. This has a couple of advantages. The biggest one is that without the words, songs are easier to tune out. I will not have to worry about Taylor Swift being stuck in my head. They've also lowered the volume so now it barely audible.
  I wasn't sure that this change was going to stay in place come December. I was sure I'd be hearing "It's a Marshmallow World", "I'll be Home for Christmas" and "The Christmas Song" over and over and over again. I assumed that the usual Christmas station would get played.
  I am pleased to say that I was wrong. They have stuck with the all instrument format at low volume. This is wonderful! I have only heard a very few Christmas songs and only snippets at best. The best part is that some of these renditions don't sound a whole lot like the original songs. The only way I can tell the Christmas songs from the rest of the music is if I listen very closely.
  For the first time in a long time, I put the first Christmas CD into my player and then listened to it. I enjoyed it. This weekend I'll choose another one. By the time Christmas rolls around my CD player will have all Christmas music in it.
  This could mean other changes. Maybe I'll actually feel like decorating the house. Maybe I'll get my cards out on tine for a change. Maybe I'll attempt to wrap a present instead of simply stuffing it into a bag.
  Maybe.....just maybe...... December won't be a month I'll wish was off the calendar. It could be a genuinely Merry Christmas for me after all. Bring on the music!


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