
   This column is probably going to get me in trouble. I know it and I accept that. I'm probably going to make a few people angry. I know that and I accept that as well. There are a few things that have gone on this week that violate some of my principles and I simply cannot stand by and say nothing.
   Earlier this week the network A&E suspended Phil Robertson, of the show "Duck Dynasty", for remarks he made during an interview with GQ magazine. Personally I find it a bit amusing that he was interviewed as I always thought of GQ as something read by men in custom made three piece suits who play polo on the weekends, but that is another matter.
   During the interview he was asked to define sinful behavior. He did. He listed homosexuality,adulterers, slanderers,drunkards and swindlers. It was, of course, the first item on the list that got him in trouble. You can't say that in public. Saying something like that will get you fired, vilified, demonized and in more trouble than you can possibly imagine. I'm sure he's received violent threats. I'm sure that everyone around him has received some sort of threat.
  What bothers me about this is that he was stating his opinion on something. His...own...opinion. This is what he believes. He has the right to believe what he wants and he has the right to say what he wants. That's freedom of speech. He was not speaking for anyone else. He was not inciting a riot or advocating violence. He was stating his opinion.
  You may not like that opinion. You may not agree with it. You may think it's offensive. You can say you find it offensive. You have the right to do so. I do not believe that you or anyone else has the right to retaliate when someone says something that offends you. You cannot demand that they lose their job or threaten them personally or threaten their family nor can you demand an apology. I want to be real clear on this. I don't believe you, I or anyone else has the right to retaliate if someone says something that offends us. Disagree and argue yes, retaliate, no.
  Another right that you have is to vote with your feet. If you find the words or practices of anyone in public life offensive you can refuse to watch them, buy their products or patronize their businesses. You can vote them out of office if they happen in to be politics. You can pray for them if you believe in such things.
  One boss I had a long time ago told me that we have many rights, but we do not have to the right to not be offended. To quote Voltaire, "I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write." (The Quotations Page)
  On the topic of offensive things, I saw on Yahoo a story about a public school choir that sang the song, "Silent Night" but a version that had all the religious references removed. This was done so that nonChristians would not be offended. What happened is that many parents were offended. I would agree. I found it quite offensive.
   According to Wikipedia "Silent Night" was written by a priest. It is fundamentally a religious Christmas song. It is about an event that is celebrated by Christians.
   If the school district was concerned about offending those of other faiths, there are other songs that could have been chosen. One of the nice things about this time of year is that there is a wealth of good music. I find it hard to believe that the choir director felt that her only choice was to carve up a beloved hymn in order to find an appropriate choir song.
   Thank you for reading.....I feel much better now.


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