New Floor

  Hi! This is Colby. I decided that I wanted to write the column today because I want to talk about what is going on at my house.
  A week ago Sophie and C started moving furniture out of the dining room. They took all the glasses out of the cabinet and all of the teacups out of the display case. Then they moved the dining room table. I didn't like that. I like the dining room table. I like to lay under it and take naps.
  All of the furniture was moved around. Our cat  trees were moved downstairs. Why did they move them downstairs. We can't see out of the windows with the cat trees downstairs! What were they thinking?! They moved my little spare bed, our toy box and all of our stuff into the basement. I didn't know what was going on.
   Sophie explained to us that we were going to have a wood floor put in and that everything needed to be moved. I wasn't sure I liked that. The carpet is soft and fun to dig into with my claws. We can't do that with wood.
   Sophie told me that it needed to be done. A wood floor would be easier to clean and it would look better. She told me not to worry. I would always have soft, warm places to sit and I shouldn't be digging into carpeting with my claws anyway. She's always been a good human, so I decided to trust her.
  A few days later a man came in and tore out the carpet. He also brought a loud machine with him. I didn't like the loud machines. They hurt my ears and they scared me. Sometimes the machine would be quiet and then all of a sudden it would make these loud noises. I went into the basement to hide. Sophie had made some places for us to sit and be comfortable, but I could still hear the loud, scary machine. I hid behind the water heater. It wasn't very comfortable, but at least I felt safe.
  Sophie came down with some tuna treats. I peeked out to smell the treats. I was too scared. The big machine might come and get me. At suppertime, Sophie brought my dinner downstairs. It smelled good, but I was too upset. I didn't want to eat. She kept trying to coax me. I was not going to eat while that big, scary machine was making noise.
   Scamp and I discussed it that night and decided that we would stay in the bedroom. It would be much more comfortable and we could hide under the bed. The scary machine would not be able to see us.
  It turned out to be a good choice. I felt much better and Scamp and I could look after each other.
  Later in the week there were two men instead of one. Sometimes they would close the door to the bedroom. We didn't mind. It was extra protection. Sometimes if Sophie was home during the day she would come and talk to us under the bed.
  I decided that I would be brave and come out. I creeped slowly out from under the bed. She gave me a good back and shoulder rub and told me that I was a brave and good cat. That made me feel good.
 In the evening the men would leave for the day. Then I would come out and inspect their work. I liked the new floor. It looked good. I like to play with the paper that was under the wood. Sophie told me not to do that. I told her I would be very careful and not tear it. I laid down on the floor. It felt nice and cool. I also liked the way the dark brown wood contrasted with my orange fur. It was nice of C and Sophie to pick a colour that was so becoming. Scamp looks good laying on it too. It brings out the gold highlights in his fur.
   The floor is not quite done yet. There is just a little bit in the hallway that needs to be done.  Sophie told me that they would be buying some rugs so that we would have soft places to sit. She also told us to be careful when we walked so we wouldn't scratch the floor.
  I looked around last night and didn't see the big scary machine. Maybe they don't need it anymore. If that is the case, I might just decide to watch and see what they are doing. I am a brave cat after all.
   Well, it is time for me to get going. It's been hard to sleep though all the noise the last few days. I need to go take a nap.


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