A Dear Jon Letter

   I was talking with some friends after Toastmasters the other day. We were sharing some childhood stories. I shared one about a guy I knew growing up named Jon. Jon has always been a mystery to me. Starting from about second grade on we really disliked each other. It was so bad that the school district made sure that we were never in the same class together. The mysterious part of it is that I have vague memories of us being friends at one point in time. For a long time I didn't know what happened to change that. About 15 years or so ago I was talking to my mother about it. She said that Jon had been teased by his older brother for having a "girlfriend" and that is what started it.
  After  finished my story I explained that Jon were more or less enemies all through our school days. I also said that I felt bad for him, I'm sure he was bullied in school too, probably worse than I was. Someone remarked that we could have  helped each other.
  That was a thought I had had on and off for a few years. What would it have been like if we had treated each other better? What if we had been friends instead of enemies? I'll never know. Jon has pretty much disappeared. I tried looking for him a little bit on Facebook, but I couldn't find him. If I could, I would want to send him the following letter.
   Dear Jon,
     The other day some friends of mine and I were talking about our younger years. I told them a story about you and me. It was about the time that Shelly chased you down the hall at church trying to hit you with her Bible. Do you remember that? The next Sunday Pastor Meyer firmly ordered us to leave each other alone and that is what we did.
     I have to admit I think about you once in awhile. I wonder where you are and if you are happy. I wonder if you went to college and found a job that you like. I wonder if you married and have a family. I wonder if you are all right. You by far had a worse time in high school than I did. I had a few friends and a safe place to go. I'm not sure that you did.
    Most of all I wonder what would have happened if we had been friends. What would it have been like for us if we had been allies instead of enemies? Would we have had good times and the kind of experience that our other classmates had or would we have missed out on experiences that caused us to be stronger people later?
    This is something we will never know. The experiences we had have helped us to become who we are now. I took them and used them for good. I hope you were able to as well.
    There is something I would like to say to you. If I have done anything to harm or to hurt you back then, I ask for you forgiveness. If I had been unkind or unjust to you, I ask for your pardon. I also forgive you fully and freely for those things you have done to me.
    I hope you are well and happy. I hope that you are surrounded by people who love you and care about you. I hope that you are successful and satisfied with your life so far. I hope that the shadows of the past dissipated for you. I wish you a happy and long future.


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