The New Teacher

   Bishop Nealy called me several weeks ago. He wanted to know if I would be willing to teach Relief Society which is the last meeting on Sunday morning. The Sunday meeting at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints lasts three hours. The first hour is Sacrament meeting which is a worship service. The second hour is Sunday school. The third hour is when the men, women and children break into separate groups for lessons. The women's group is called Relief Society. RS concerns itself with education of women in the Church and philanthropy. It's motto is "Charity Never Faileth". (Please correct me if I'm wrong about this.)  What I was being asked to do was to, when needed, prepare lesson from the manual being used this year and present it to the women during the third hour meeting.
  I was waiting for this call. Bishop Nealy had made some remarks now and again about finding something for me to do. One thing I know about the LDS is that they don't like to leave people idle. I knew he was going to find some task that needed doing and ask me to do it. I don't mind. I like to be helpful. Many times when there is some social  function at the church, you will find me in the kitchen washing or drying dishes and helping to clean things up. I wasn't sure what he was going to ask me to do. It would need to be something that would not require me to be at Church every Sunday. (I work every other Sunday.) I also hoped it would be something that I was good at doing.
  When he asked if I wanted to teach the class, I said yes right away. The fact was I was hoping he would ask me to do that. It was the perfect job for me. There are more than one teacher so I wouldn't have to teach every Sunday and it is something I like to do.
  After I got off the phone I wanted to do back flips. I'm not limber enough so I settled for a few vigorous fist pumps and a little jumping up and down with excitement. I stopped myself for a minute. It probably wasn't right to be so happy about getting a calling, but I couldn't help myself. I was smiling so hard my mouth hurt. I wanted to tell everyone, but there are protocols that must be observed. I would not be able to tell anyone until I was formally called and sustained on Sunday.
  I cheated though. I told two people. One of them was President Campbell. He would be travelling with his family and would not hear the news on Sunday. Since he is also sort of Bishop Nealy's boss (church wise), I thought it would be all right. I also told my friend Mandy. Mandy would be discrete and would be happy for me.
  On Sunday my calling was announced and I was formally sustained. This means that the ward was asked to uphold me in my calling and if there are any objections, they are addressed at that time. members are asked to raise their hands if they are in agreement. I didn't look to see if anyone had their hands down. I didn't want to know.
  Now that is was official the first thing I did was post something on the Ward's Facebook page. My excitement had not abated and I wanted to share it. I also wanted to know how soon I could start. I wanted to start as soon as possible. Now that I have interns my weeks can get crowded. I wanted as much prep time as I could get. I emailed the Relief Society President, the person in charge of scheduling the teachers and the RS secretary. Give me my orders. I'm ready to start.
  While I waited I was bouncing around still happy about my calling. A few people mentioned that they were looking forward to my lessons. Normally this would make me nervous, but I was just too excited. C grew concerned. He didn't want me to get my hopes up too high. I had a few things that I learned in Toastmasters that I wanted to try. He didn't want me to be disappointed. He didn't want me to get upset if my lesson wasn't the most amazing lesson ever.
  He didn't have to worry. I had taught an RS lesson once before. I just have a few ideas that I wanted to try. I didn't want to drone on in the front of the room. One of the things I learned about RS that that the members come from everywhere and have a lot of good things to share. I wanted to allow members to share what they know about what is being taught.
  My first lesson is Sunday. The topic I have been assigned is "With God Nothing is Impossible". Personally I think it is fitting that I start with this topic. I have read the lesson manual and found some additional material. I have gone over my planned lesson with a friend to make sure it is workable. All I need to do is go over what I want to do one more time and write about a set of note cards to use as notes.
  I'm looking forward to Sunday. No matter how it turns out, it will be an adventure.


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