New Teacher Part 2

   Last Sunday did not start well. C and I were going to do a musical number during Sacrament meeting. I had practiced as much as I could and we had several good run throughs. We found an empty room to practice in. The first time through was awful. The second one went better although it wasn't perfect. I was happy with it and was ready to play.
  The meeting started. After the Sacrament was blessed and passed, the Primary children sang a song. Then the Bishop motioned C and I to come up. I was taken aback. I was expecting a speaker or a few comments from the Bishop and was caught off guard. We went up and prepared to play.
  Right from the start it didn't go well. I fumbled the beginning and started over. I fumbled over the first verse, the second verse and part of the end. It was not one of my better performances.
  Fortunately for me I've had this happen before and have learned to have a sense of humour about it. I sat back down in the pew next to my friend Mandy and whispered, "Darn, I hate when that happens." There was nothing I could do about it.
   It was also my first day teaching in Relief Society. I wasn't nervous about that. I was prepared. I had found a talk that I really liked, my outline for the lesson was on four notecards and I brought a box of chalk so I wouldn't have to hunt for some. I figured that since I had so badly fumbled the music, I could redeem myself by giving a good lesson.
  Some of the preparation for me was purely mental. I had spent time thinking about the room and how I wanted to use the space up front. I decided that I didn't want to use the table or the lectern in the front of the room. This wasn't going to be about me droning on in front. This was going to be me leading a discussion of the lesson. It would work better with nothing between me and the class.
  When I got to the room the back rows were not set up. I was happy to see that. I had planned some of the time to walk into the center aisle and speak directly to those in the back row so they would feel a part of the lesson.
  After a prayer and a song I was invited up to the front to begin. I was going to start with a quote from the lesson manual. Since the lesson title was "With God All Things Are Possible", I decided to use an illustration of how God works with us. I explained that C and I played together many times. Sometimes I have trouble with my hands and miss notes. We have learned to work together so that C fills in the notes that I miss. I play as best I can and he fills in when needed. God is also like that. We do the best we can and He helps us.
  The lesson went on just as I had planned. Bishop Nealy came in and sat down. I asked him to participate. Several others raised their hands when I asked for examples of what I was talking about. I made sure that someone from the back row said something.  I was having fun. The other women were paying attention and seemed interested.
  Toward the end of the lesson President Campbell slipped in. I was pleased to see him and touched at the thought that he had taken time from his very busy day to stop in. I invited him to say a few words, but had forgotten that I did not tell him what the lesson was about. It was all right as I knew it would be.
  I ended my lesson right on time. That was the only thing I was unsure of. One of my pet peeves is when there is still more to cover when time runs out. That's poor planning.
  I sat down quite pleased with my effort. What I wanted to do is dance around the room. It went just as I had hoped. Several people got to participate and no one monopolized. Two women had made points that I had not considered. Most of the stories we talked about had happy endings, but not all situations end like that. Sometime the help we need from God is to get through it and survive it.
  It isn't often that I am satisfied with how I've done something. Usually I can find something that I could have and should have done better. Not this time. This time was a home run, a perfect performance  and the very best I could do all rolled into one. I wanted to skip, fist pump and shout "I did it!!" all at the same time.
  Instead I posted a thank you to the RS ladies on Facebook. I also asked for comments or suggestions. I did say that I don't use PowerPoint and would continue to pick on the people sitting in the back. The next thing I did was find out how soon I could do it again.
  I had made a good start. I just need to keep up the good work.


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