Scamp's Side of the Story

   Hi, this is Scamp. I want to tell you what happened yesterday.
   Sophie had told me earlier in the week that she was going to visit a friend on Friday morning. She planned to be home at about 2:30 or so. I was fine with that. Colby and I like to nap in the morning. She would have the rest of the afternoon to groom me and spend time with me.
   She gave Colby and I a little pet as she always does before she leaves the house. I was tired so all I did was move my tail a little.
   When 2:30 came along she wasn't home yet. I didn't worry. Sometimes she gets involved in something and can't get away right away. I decided a bit more rest wouldn't hurt me. I woke up an hour later and she was still not home. Where was she? I hoped that she was all right. I was a little worried about her and a little mad. She had been working all week and had not had time to give me a good grooming. I have lovely, silky, long fur. She knows that it is very important that I be groomed on a regular basis.
  Colby suggested that we try to call her. The problem is that it is really hard to dial a phone with paws. I knew that C would be home in half an hour. Maybe he would know what was going on.
   When C came home he was not happy. I guess Sophie was visiting her friend and they decided to go for a walk. As they left the house, the friend realised that she had locked them out. C had to drive out there and help them. He left right away and said he would be back in about an hour. I was glad that Sophie was all right.
  When they came home,Sophie went to her bedroom and changed clothes. When she came out she was a little dressed up. It looked like they were going to go out. I was instantly upset. They couldn't go out! They had been gone all day! Sophie was supposed to groom me and spend time with me!
  What was she thinking?! She had been working all week. I didn't nag or bug her although she should have groomed me much sooner. Now they were going to go out.
  She got our dinner ready. I gave her a cold stare when she put my food down. I was thinking of kicking my food dish, but she had used the heavy ones. They are hard to kick. I was going to walk away from my food dish, but I was too hungry.
   I had to think of some way to punish them for this. It's not good to let humans take you for granted. I wanted to make them understand that I will not be ignored. I kept trying to think of things while I ate.
  After I was done I went into the living room. C and Sophie were ready to go and were waiting for another couple to arrive. C was playing his guitar. His guitar case was open in front of him. Instantly I knew what I had to do.
   I walked over to the guitar case and gently stepped inside. The velvet of the case felt good on my feet. I got into a crouching position. C noticed. I knew that he realised what I was about to do. He was holding his guitar and would not be able to stop me. I peed inside the case. That should show them. I was not going to let them get away with treating me casually. Sophie looked surprised. She couldn't believe that I would do something so blatant. Good. They should know better than to mess with me.
  I finished my business and stepped out of the case. C immediately closed the case and was carried it out. Sophie screeched that there was something dripping from the case. The other couple had arrived and C was going to take the case into the garage and go meet them.
  Sophie grabbed some paper towels and dabbed at the carpet. I watched her try to figure out where the drips were. I think she got them. Finally she was done. She thew the paper towel away and picked me up. She took me downstairs to the litter box. I don't know why she did that. I didn't need to use the litter box. I sat on the litter while she went back upstairs. I think she was a little upset. Good. She should be upset.
  I heard them get into their car and leave. Fine. Be that way. See if I care.
  Colby watched them head out. He told me that he thought peeing in the guitar case was a little extreme. I didn't care. They deserved it. I was going to have to go another night without being groomed. If this keeps up I'll look like a mop.
  As the evening wore on I became less angry. It's not like they do this all the time. It was only Friday. Sophie would have plenty of time to groom me. I still thought that they deserved what I gave them, but I was no longer angry. When they came home a few hours later, I met them at the door and escorted them to their room.
   Next time they will plan better, I hope.
   Time to go look out the window. Bye!



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