A Wonderful Person

   I was on my regular morning run when I saw something on the side of the road. It was a driver's license. I picked it up. It didn't look like it had been lying there long. I looked up and down the street wondering if another runner had dropped it. There was no one around. I looked around to see if there was a wallet or maybe a card case lying around. There was nothing, just the license.
  I was certain the the owner of the license was nearby and would be back for it. I laid it off the road, where it could still be seen and went back to running. I hadn't gone very far when I decided that I couldn't leave the license there. I needed to pick it up and mail it to the owner.
  I ran back and grabbed it. The address was a nearby suburb. There was no way this had been dropped this morning. While I ran I thought about the owner of the license. Did she know it was missing? Was she tearing apart her house in a frantic search for it? How did it get where it was?
  I got back to the house and put the license on the kitchen counter. The only thing I could do was mail it back to the address on the license. I hoped the address was correct. Maybe she moved and hadn't changed her license yet. I wrote out an envelope and a note to let her know where I had found it. I wrapped the note around the license and sealed it. I debated putting a return address on it. I decided that I had better put it on. If the address was wrong it would come back to me and then I would take it to the DMV.
  It was a Friday. There was a chance I could save her a trip to the DMV. Even if she got a replacement license at least she would know that no one was using the lost one as a fake ID or could use it for identity theft.
  I went to the Post Office and mailed it. It was now out of my hands. I hoped it would arrive safe and sound.
 Once in awhile during the week I thought of the woman on the license. I wondered if the license arrived.
  My answer came last Saturday. When C picked me up from work, he had an envelope in his hand. I recognised the name and return address. It was the woman who lost her license! She had written to me!
  In my rush to get the license in the mail, I had neglected to sign my note. Since I usually don't write my name on the return address, she had no idea who I was. The letter was addressed to "A wonderful person". Inside was a thank you note. It turned out that someone had broken into her car. I can understand how upset and vulnerable that could make her feel. The fact that I had taken the time to return her license to her restored her faith. Since she didn't know who I was and wanted to show her gratitude, she told me that she was going to donate to a relief fund for the Moore Oklahoma tornado victims.
  My eyes filled with tears. It only took me about five minutes total, yet it meant so much to her. I was happy that I'd found the license and really happy that I took it with me. I know that it sounds really silly, but there are few things more satisfying to me than helping someone else and knowing that I made things a little better. Solving the large problems is beyond me, but I can do little things that help. If my little thing inspires someone else to do something small and it keeps going that could be a lot.
  I decided to write back to her. I wanted to tell her that I appreciated her note and the donation. I'm not sure where this will lead. Maybe I'll wind up with a new friend. If nothing else I will have the satisfaction of having done something good for a fellow human being.


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