
   Saturday night C and I attended "Snapshots". This was the last time that Carrie and her 19 classmates will perform together as a company. Carrie will be graduating from college in a few weeks. I know at this point I'm supposed to say that it's gone by so fast. I'm supposed to say that it seems like it was just yesterday that I made her a ham sandwich before C and I drove her to her first day of collage classes. I may be in the minority here, but it feels like four years to me.
   Four years ago C and I watched "Fresh Scenes". This (I think I'm right about this) was first time Carrie's company performed. Fresh Scenes were a series of scenes from plays. Earlier that school year the students were required to interview someone and then to present a piece based and the interview where they acted like that person. Carrie interviewed the grandmother of the guy she was dating at the time. She did a good job portraying her. I remember that she borrowed a sweater of mine to do her portrayal. I remember overhearing someone saying that Carrie's company (which is what the students in that year group are called) was the most talented to enter the program. The person talking seemed to know what they were talking about. I agreed. Carrie was in the midst of some very talented people.
  I was grateful for this. I had hoped that being in the company of such talented people would help them all to stretch. I was glad to see that many of them were from other states. Some of them had graduated from performing arts schools similar to the one that Carrie attended. All of them would have different points of view and different methods.
  My hopes were realised. Each time I saw them they got a little better. It was exciting to see them grow. It was fun to see them progress on their four year journey through the theater program. Carrie was in excellent company. Snapshots was a fitting end to the journey that these 20 students started.
  After the performance there was a reception and small ceremony. Each student came up to speak. Some had prepared speeches, some spoke off the cuff. Three of them sang a song together. Once of them recited something while pretending to do something else. Many of them spoke fondly of the semester they spent in London together. There were tears, laughter and expressions of love and thanks to those that helped along the way.
   It is now time for the 2013 company to break up and go their separate ways. I'm sure they will all stay in touch. They have formed a closeness that is not easily left behind. Maybe some of them will have opportunity to work together. No one knows where their paths will lead. I do know one thing. All of them will be well worth watching.
Dedicated to the Uof M 2013 company Chelsie N.,Shelby R.,Jack M.,Nathan B.,India G.,Michael H.,Emily G.,Ross D.,Meghan K.,Tony M.,Aeysha K.,David N.,Joseph B.,McKenna K.,Clare P.,Carrie C.,Steven J.,Eleonore D.,Samuel P., and Nate C. Thank you and twist an ankle.


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