I was Wrong

   Kyle and Lissa visited us for a week last week. In case you don't remember, Lissa is the daughter of a childhood friend of mine.
   About three years ago Lissa and Kyle, who were living in Las Vegas at the time, decided to head to a drive through wedding chapel to get married. I was furious. When it comes to marriage I'm pretty conservative. I believe it is a lifelong and more commitment. I find shows like "The Bachelor", "The Bachelorette", "Say Yes to the Dress" and "Bridezillas"  very offensive. They make a mockery out of something that,to me,is sacred.
   Lissa was only 19 years old when they got married. I didn't think she was anywhere mature enough for such a commitment. She had a fairly turbulent life growing up. I didn't think she had dated very much either. I had no idea about Kyle. It sounded like something they did on the spur of the moment. Not a good thing. I was certain they would be divorced in a few years.
   The two of them spent some time with us over Christmas this past year. We got to meet Kyle. I was impressed. He is a smart, levelheaded young man. He didn't seem to be the type to be given to whims. Christmas was the first time I seen Lissa in many years, she was much more mature than I had given her credit for. The four of us had a good time getting to know each other better.
  Several weeks ago Lissa asked us if she and Kyle could visit for a week. They were moving back to Las Vegas from Fargo and wanted to see all their friends in Minnesota before they moved.  We told them that we would both be working most of the week, but that they were welcome to stay with us.
   They came on Sunday and set up in our basement. It works out well for guests. They have their own bathroom and can watch whatever they want on the big screen TV we have.
   I got to chat with Kyle and Lissa sometimes separately and sometimes together. I was beginning to see that I had misjudged both of them. The reason why they were moving back to Las Vegas is so that Kyle could finish his bachelor's degree and then go to law school. He was working as a welder, but wanted to get out of that profession. No matter how much protective gear a welder wears it is still hard on the eyes,lungs and body in genreal. He also wanted to do something more intellectually stimulating. He's an intelligent guy with a strong level of curiosity. He's interested in all kinds of things like engineering, history and current events. He speaks Russian and used to tune into a Russian language news broadcast online to keep his skills sharp. Welding paid the bills, but he wants more out of life.
   It was clear that he and Lissa had thought this through. She wasn't real happy about moving back to Nevada. She doesn't like the hot,dry climate. However, this was the best way for Kyle to do what he wanted to do.
   I watched them together. They like to tease and pick on each other. It was clear that they both love and care for each other very much. It was also obvious that they are well matched. In some ways they are like C and I. It was interesting to watch. Towards the end of the week I mentioned to C that had we met at their age we might have been much like them.
  By the time the week was over I knew I was wrong about them. While their wedding may or may not have been a spur of the moment decision,they are definitely committed to each other. They are together and intend to stay that way.
  They will be reluctantly going separate ways for a couple of months. Kyle is going back to Nevada to register for classes and to find a place for them to live. Lissa is going to visit her friends and family in South Dakota and work. Neither one of them is real happy about it, but it was the best plan they had. Kyle and Lissa told me that they would both be counting the days until they would be together again.
  I am so pleased for both of them. I've known Lissa since she was a baby and I'm happy that she has found someone that suits her so well. I've become quite fond of Kyle and am happy that Lissa is a good solid partner for him. It will be interesting to see where life takes them. They will be just fine. They have each other.


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