Post Election Comments

   As I expected,no one is happy about the outcome of the recent election. I can't remember when I've seen more rage, anger and malice over the reelection of a President.
   To those of you who have been posting pictures of tombstones announcing the death of the United States, crying uncontrollably because your candidate did not win and telling everyone that that the United States is fallen and will never rise again I have one word for you.

   That's right. You heard me. Leave. Pack up your things and go. Go to Canada, go to Mexico. Go to South America, Asia, Australia, I don't care, just leave.
   If things are that bad here, if you are so convinced that all hope is gone and that all opportunity is forfeited because Barack Obama got a second term, you should go someplace else.
  Unless I missed something the election was conducted in a legal fashion. The President was re-elected by a majority of the popular vote. There were no recounts, there wasn't widespread fraud. People were not being beaten, harassed or threatened in order to sway their votes. Mr. Romney conceded the election. I'm sure if he had any question as to the legitimacy of the votes, he would not have done so.
  We need to start working together. It needs to start now. We no longer have the luxury of wallowing in hate. We don't have time for fear mongering, name calling and finger pointing. We need to roll up our sleeves and get some work done. This is still a great country. Immigrants still come here for a better life. This is still a good place to live.
  We need to get a few things straight. Those who are liberals and those who are conservatives must agree on few things. We love this country. We want to be strong and productive. We want peace, prosperity and safety for all who live here. We want opportunity for our children. Can we all agree on this? Is there anyone out there who disagrees with those thoughts?
  The next part is where it gets tricky. Not everyone agrees on how this should come about. That doesn't mean they don't want it. It just means that certain groups have a different opinion about how it should be done.
  What do we do about it? We need to listen. We need to stop and listen to each other. I have trouble believing that a country with the vast resources that we have cannot come up with solutions to the challenges that are facing us. We need cooperation. The conservatives need to listen to the liberals and the liberals need to listen to the conservatives. Our nation's greatest moments have been the times when we work together.
   Let's  stop fixating on all the things that we don't agree on. Let's stop calling each other socialist, communist, unpatriotic and uncaring. Let's stop the insults. Focus on what matters. Peace. Safety. Prosperity. Opportunity for all.
  It's not too late.


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