Busy Week

   Hi! This is Scamp. Colby and I had a really busy week this week. Sophie, our human, took some vacation time and was home. Colby and I were expecting a week of relaxing grooming sessions, window watching and using our exercise equipment. (They are NOT toys.)
   That wasn't what happened. We thought she would sleep in, but every morning at 5:30 she would get up, put on her exercise clothes and go downstairs to that odd contraption that she calls an elliptical. That means,of course, that we also have to go downstairs to supervise. We always supervise all of her exercise sessions.
  Monday,she took all her clothes off the shelves and put them in boxes. Then she went downstairs and got different clothes and put them on the shelves. Humans do really strange things sometimes. I checked out the new clothes before she put them on the shelves. Colby and I had to make sure that there was nothing hiding in them. Some of them were very soft. I hope she takes them down sometime. They would be very comfortable to sleep on.
  Tuesday she went to the eye doctor. I could hardly wait until she got out of the house. What is the big deal? She goes every year so why she was so worried about it, I don't know. Besides that after all the work we did yesterday, I needed a nap.
  She came home and then went out to lunch. Good, more time to nap and to look out the windows. When she came back she took her pajamas out of a drawer and put different pajamas in. Why do human do this? I don't get it. Colby inspected the box that the pajamas were in. You never know. Something might be hiding in there.
  The rest of the week was like that. Sophie was organizing this and going through that. Of course Colby and I had to be on hand to supervise and go through stuff to make sure that all was well. We spent a lot of time digging through papers and sniffing all kinds of things. We also listened to Sophie practice a speech that she gave on Thursday morning. Every day we listened to her while she practiced the dulcimer and harp. Colby wants to lean to play the dulcimer. Maybe Sophie will teach him.
  My favourite day was when she organized the linen closet. I love laying on towels. It is the best thing in the whole world, besides those fuzzy pajamas I saw. We also saw some rectangular,smelly things. Some of them were white and one of them was all sorts of colours. Sophie told me that those were bars of soap. I didn't know that soap came in bars like that. I thought all soap was liquid. I rubbed against one of them. It made my fur smell really nice.
   One day Sophie got back from the post office. She had a box. I was excited. She must have brought the box for us as a treat for helping her out. She opened the box and took out some pants. In the bottom were some new bed sheets. Colby was happy. He loves fresh bed sheets. Sophie said they had to be washed before we could put them on the bed. She put the box on the floor for us. She even put in some catnip in the box. We had a fun time with the box. Colby likes to hide in it. After the sheets were washed we helped Sophie make the bed. We like the new sheets.
  Sophie has to go back to work tomorrow. While I'm glad that we got to spend more time with her this week, I'm kind of relieved that she is going  back to work. We worked really hard. We need the rest.


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