Oh,How I Missed Them

   Colby and I were hanging out in the bedroom when we heard a car in the driveway. It was very late at night. It was probably the neighbors. Judy, who takes care of us when C and Sophie go on a trip, comes only in the mornings. It couldn't be her. Then we heard the sound of the garage door opener. Could it be? It had to be!
  It is best to always be cautious. I jumped off the bed and quietly went into the hallway. Colby stood by ready to back me up. The car stopped in the garage. I could hear the car door open. I walked to the end of the hall and waited. Could it be?
   The door opened and the lights came on in the kitchen. It was! It was! The humans were home! I ran into the kitchen to greet them. I started to purr loudly, I couldn't help it. I was so happy to see them. They picked me up and kissed me and petted me. I couldn't purr loud enough. I even meowed a little bit. They were home!
   Colby came out to see what was going on. Since he is the guard cat he carefully sniffed everything before coming to greet them. I could tell he was pleased too.
   The humans went to the car and began to bring in their suitcases. They always have so many when they travel. They brought in bags of things that they had bought. Colby and I carefully sniffed all of them. Colby needed to make sure that nothing was dangerous. I was looking for presents. They usually bring us some kind of treat when they go away.
   Sophie reached into a bag and took out a net ball and a toy mouse. She tossed them both into the living room. I went after the mouse immediately. I like toy mice. They are fun.
   Soon all the bags were in and the humans were getting ready for bed. It was very late and they had been driving for a long time. We sat with them until they went to sleep. Then we went into the living room. I would have preferred the spend the night with them in the bedroom, but they wouldn't let us.
   It isn't really catlike to feel this way. It doesn't do much for our reputation of hauteur and aloofness. It's also not really dignified either. I enjoyed the first few days of having the house to myself, well sharing it with Colby anyway,but I found that I started to miss them.  It wasn't just  because I went a whole seven days without being groomed. (Not good for a long haired cat) I missed having them in the house. I missed supervising Sophie when she does her morning exercise. I missed watching C get up in the morning. I missed the way he rubs my fur and talks to me.
  The fact of the matter is I am very fond of my humans. I've always liked them, but I didn't realise just how much until they went away. Maybe it's because I'm getting a bit older and wiser. I am four years old after all. I know Colby feels the same way too. He sat on Sophie's lap most of last night, something he doesn't do often.
  It doesn't matter really. I'm just happy that we are all at home now.


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