I Don't Mind the Rainy Days

   My vacation started yesterday. I'm a bit of a workaholic,so I always feel a little guilty for taking time off. People depend on me, how can I just flit off and leave them? The problem with this attitude is that when you start to think like that, you really need to get away. In the past I did take a little vacation time, but only because I was going on a trip. If I took time off and stayed home, I felt guilty because my coworkers would have to pick up the slack.
   I still feel a little guilty about being gone. I know that there is a relief person to work my shifts, but is that person taking care of my people? Maybe I should just cancel it for this year......
  One nice thing about having C in my life this that he forces (in a good way) me to take a vacation. His job is so stressful that he has to take time off to preserve his sanity. Since we don't believe in married couples taking separate vacations, I have to go with him. Now I can justify taking time off to myself. I have to. It's silly and egotistical to feel this way, but I do.
   The weather was beautiful yesterday. The sun was shining and it wasn't too cold. Today it is raining and chilly. The innkeeper said that the weather was going to be like that for the rest of the week. How unfortunate.
  C and I knew there was a good chance that the weather was not going to be ideal. We like to hike and to do a lot of walking while we are here. The is a fall festival that we go to. We like to people watch and there are several crafters and a hat maker that I like to see. The weather was going to put a damper (forgive the expression) on those plans.
   One big advantage that people from the north have is the ability to be unafraid of the weather. I'm sure I'm going to insult a few people by saying that. When you live in the north, you cannot let yourself be daunted by bad weather. You have to do what you have to do regardless of what it is doing outside. People who live in more temperate climates do not have to worry about such things. One of my favourite sayings is, "There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing."
   C and I looked at the forecast. There are going to be a few days where the chance of rain will be less than 50%. Those will be the days when we will do outdoor things, like hiking in the state parks. We have a backup plan for the days when the chance of rain is higher. We can go to Green Bay. We can go to local museums and art galleries.
   We can also stay in our room here at the B&B. We have a sitting room, a TV , a DVD player and a selection of movies in the common area that we can watch. I brought books,Eve and some needlework. C brought Sunshine, a notebook and a small digital recording device. We can do all kinds of things. I can get some writing done and C can work on new music. We can practice our instruments. We can just relax. We can read and discuss what we have read with each other.
   I don't mind the rainy days. We will still find plenty of fun things to do.


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