
I collect quotes. This is something I've been doing since I was a kid. I had them written down in a nice notebook which got lost in one of the moves I've made. That meant that I needed to start my collection all over again. I get my quotes from many sources, page a day calendars,fridge magnets, coffee cups, speeches from Toastmasters and other speakers just to name a few. Today I'd like to share a few of my favourites with you.
My favourite quote is one I found in high school, "We do not know what is normal, we only know what is customary." I have no idea who said it. Once in awhile I try to track down the source with no luck. This quote got me through high school. High school can be pretty tough when you are different from everyone else. While other girls were interested in things like fashion, boys and make up, I was interested in becoming a ham radio operator. (Does ham radio even exist anymore?) I was editor of the school newspaper and spent my free time trying to put out the four best issues we could. The journalism class that had provided articles for the school newspaper had been cut and we were only allowed to put out four issues a year. I looked more like Thelma than Daphne. It helped me to know that I wasn't "abnormal" I was just not "customary". Somewhere out there I was sure there would be a place where there would be more people like me. I just had to get an education so I could find that place.
Our fridge is covered with magnets. We have one that says, "There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats." This one is credited to Albert Schweitzer and I couldn't agree more. The only thing I could to it is books. Books, music and cats all are pretty good ways to unwind. Maybe it should be books, cats, music, movies and chocolate. Books,cats ,music movies,chocolate and ice cream sound good too, but not all at the same time. I think I should move to the next quote.
"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says,'I'll try again tomorrow.'" is from Mary Anne Rademacher. "Well behaved women seldom make history." is from Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. I have coffee mugs with these quotes on them. Sometimes when I need a lift to go with my morning tea I will pull one of these mugs out. I have also been known to serve various hot beverages to other women in one of these mugs if I think it is appropriate.
The vast majority of my quotes are from the many page a day calendars I have bought or been given. I have a quote from Benazir Bhutto, "A ship in port is safe,but that is not what ships are for." Very inspiring. "Anyone can be heroic from time to time, but a gentleman is something which you have to be all the time. Which isn't easy." I've never heard of Luigi Pirandello who is the author of this quote. You could substitute the word 'lady' for 'gentleman' and it would still be true. Here's another favourite of mine, "If you can keep your head while all those around you are losing theirs-then you just don't understand the problem." This is from Hugh M. Beville Jr.. According to the calendar I got it from he is an American broadcast executive.
Frederick Douglass is quoted as saying, "You are not judged by the height you have risen,but from the depth you have climbed." Good words. I also like "I have managed to live so long by carrying no hatred." from Winston Churchill. Oddly enough this is the only Churchill quote in my collection so far anyway.
Some quotes I like are from books of mine. The book "Quiet Strength" has several of them. One that I like a lot is, "Excellence that feels it has to be proclaimed,by the mere fact of its proclamation admits the doubt of its existence" This is from CleoMae Dungy, who is Coach Dungy's mother. I think about this whenever anyone gets loud and proud about something. I can understand a bit of bragging, but sometimes I wonder. Are you trying to convince me or you?
My collection wouldn't be complete without a few humorous quotes. I have one from Mark Twain that says, "When angry count four;When very angry, swear." I don't actually swear much. When you have grandchildren that might try to copy you, actual swearing is not a good idea. I have been known to say, "curse and swear curse and swear" under my breath at times.
I hope you've enjoyed some of the quotes. If you find out who said the first one I mentioned, let me know.


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