Down in Milwaukee and up to no Good

Actually that isn't true, there is a lot of good in Milwaukee. C and I had a little time off together and decided to take a long weekend and go to Milwaukee. C had been looking at things to do and wanted to eat at Mader's, a German restaurant.
Mader's is on Old World Third Street. After we dropped off our stuff at the motel and freshened up a bit, we headed in to town. It was a bit tricky as we accidentally left our Milwaukee city map at home. We did find a ramp to park on and went for a stroll down Old World Third. We found the Spice House, Usinger's Meats and Mader's.
We went inside and were given a table in the Knight's Bar. Our table was near the entrance to the restaurant so we could see people coming in. There was some sort of special dinner that night. People were coming in wearing fancy dress. Some of the women were wearing cocktail hats. I think I saw a couple of tuxes. (I didn't think you could wear a tux outside of a wedding.)
We ordered something to drink. Mine came in a boot. I had a few moments of panic. There is a right way and a wrong way to drink from a boot. I'd been told that if you drink it the wrong way, you wind up wearing your beverage instead of drinking it. I vaguely remembered one of my uncles telling me that the toes go down. I picked up the boot, toes down and took a small sip. Success. I had done it right.
Our meal came and we continued to watch people as we came in. There was one woman wondering around who must have been in charge. She was wearing this lovely green empire waist gown with elbow length white gloves. I'd never seen anyone wearing gloves before, except in the winter. I was fascinated by the gloves and wondered if she would have to take them off to eat. We saw a couple come in. The woman was wearing one of the most beautiful hats I have ever seen. It was cream coloured with a moderate brim and a spray of pink and cream flowers on the brim. It had a cream coloured lace bow on the back of the hat with a netting the fell past her waist. She was wearing a V neck rose pink lace dress that went very well with the hat. I would eat a few bites and then look over at the hat again trying not to look like I was staring. I had never seen a woman wear a hat so well. It was perfect.
Suddenly I was seized with the urge to go up to the woman and compliment her. I tried to squash the urge. I didn't know her and she would probably think I was crazy. I looked over at C and told him what I wanted to do. He told me that if I really wanted to I should just go ahead. So I took a deep breath, stood up and walked over to the woman. I told her that her hat was lovely and that she was wearing it really well. I told her that I had one similar to it (and I do) and that she had inspired me to take it out and wear it. She thanked me for the compliment and told me she had found the hat at an antique store. I wished her a good evening and then walked by to my seat. I felt good. Even though I don't do things like that, it felt like the right thing to do.
We finished our meal and it was time for desert. I knew what C was going to have. He was going to have apple strudel. He likes to compare apple strudels at restaurants we have been at. The strudel at Mader's takes about 20 minutes to prepare. C wasn't happy about having to wait, but he wanted to try it. When it arrived, he took a bite. I could tell by the look on his face that he really liked it. It didn't have the typical flaky crust and there were no raisins in it. He ate it slowly savoring every bite. He decided that it was the best strudel he ever eaten. Judging from the bite he let me have, he is right.
C told me there was a hallway in the restaurant with pictures of famous people who had dined there. I went to look at the pictures. There were a lot of celebrities past and a few present. The display that caught my eye was one about President Gerald Ford. He had held a luncheon there. There was a copy of the menu,some pictures and a thank you note from the White House. My eyes went right to the menu. The President and I had eaten the same main course. I hoped he liked it as much as I had. There was a picture of him drinking from a boot with the toes down. My eyes were drawn to the top of the menu. I couldn't believe what I saw. I looked at it again. It was really there. At the top of the menu it had the President's name and it was spelled wrong.
I couldn't believe that someone would have misspelled the name of the President of the United States. Didn't they have someone proofreading the menu? Gerald Ford's first name is not spelled with a "J". It was on the menu though. I wondered if anyone said anything. I was surprised that it was on the display.
We strolled out of the restaurant and into the warm April evening. There was a river walk and we strolled on it. We walked past the bronze statue on "The Fonz" (a character from the TV show "Happy Days") We saw a few places we might want to check out. Finally it was dark and time to head back to the hotel.
When we got back to our room, we turned on the TV to look at the weather for the next day. It showed the restaurant. There were having a "Titanic" dinner, a dinner like the one that the passengers of the famous ship might have had. I saw the woman with the hat on the screen. She was standing next to the same nice looking older gentleman I had seen when I went up to talk to her. It turned out that the man is her husband and he owns the restaurant.
That might explain why she was not flustered by a stranger complimenting her. It must happen all the time. I hoped she had a good evening. I sure did.


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